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Saving the Planet

by Steven Craig Jones


1. Chapter 1: World in Turmoil

2. Chapter 2: Weapons and Warfare

3. Chapter 3: Global Climate Change

4. Chapter 4: The Global Water Crisis

5. Chapter 5: The World Population Explosion

6. Chapter 6: Deforestation/Desertification

7. Chapter 7: Solar, Wind and Anti-Gravity

8. Chapter 8: Diet For a New World

9. Chapter 9: Global Information Revolution

10. Chapter 10: International Sustainable Development

11. Chapter 11: The Green World Order

12. Chapter 12: Saving the Planet



****About the Author


Saving the Planet- Introduction


This book is an attempt to work through and confront some of the major multi-faceted, multi-dimensional threats to our survival as a species on this planet. We are living in an absolutely extraordinary time in human history. We are a planetary civilization, yet we collectively lack the vision, will, organization, wisdom and intent to solve and move beyond many of the destructive, life- threatening tendencies, practices and policies of our current modern-day human enterprise.

We are collectively and deliberately destroying and undermining many of the very foundations that are necessary for life to exist and continue forth on this most extraordinary and beautiful of planets. The 21st century will be known as the Age of Ecology or the Age of the Environment, because it the global environment that will define our very existence in the coming decades.

Whether we make it or break it will depend on how skillfully we manage ourselves and the planet in the immediate years ahead. Since humanity and life on this planet are in dire peril and face the very real threat of extinction, i believe it is more than appropriate to write a book that discusses the immediate imperative of SAVING OUR PLANET. Whether one believes we have crossed the point of no return or not, we must try to confront the possibility and probability of salvation, simply because it is the right thing to do.

At root, the crisis humanity is experiencing today is a crisis in human consciousness. That is, we lack the knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and discernment to move beyond our current antiquated, failing and highly dysfunctional societal mindset so as to build a truely global green/sustainable world civilization in the real world.

This book is an affirmation and defense of all life on earth. Its about the salvation, redemption and revolution of the human species, as it is about the blocks and impediments that are keeping us from collectively evolving into a truely mature species on this glorious planet. The current eugenics agenda that favors the willful and malevolent extermination of whole peoples and nations by the very ruthless and mindless powers that be will be a central theme that will be covered in this dialogue. Because the dark side of human consciousness unfortunately rules today, there is also the grand opportunity to develop the light side of human consciousness. And as we evolve, this will give us the foundational means by which to save our species and our teetering civilization from the current path of death and destruction we are now trodding and begin a new path that will ensure our survival and prosperity well into the next century and beyond.

As Al Gore talked about in his book, "Earth in the Balance", the human species must develop a Strategic Environment Initiative- A Mission to Planet Earth. This initiative and mission must become, as Al Gore correctly noted, the central organizing principle of human society in the 21st century- there simply is no other alternative if we wish to survive as a species.

I have carefully chosen what I believe to be the most important issues to cover- both crises' and opportunities- facing us in the following chapters. Hopefully, I have chosen well, for I believe they together synergistically weave a vision for our future and a way out of current predicament. Thus said, this book is hard-hitting and as truthful as it can be- to the best of my ability. It will, no doubt, offend the core beliefs and cultivated assumptions of many readers, however, it must be remembered that any real paradigm shifts in human consciousness and therefore, human affairs, must needs be confrontational.

Steven Craig Jones
Santa Cruz, California USA
November 19, 2010

Saving the Planet- Chapter 1: Age of Turmoil
Chapter 1

"it is only through a change in human consciousness
that the world will be transformed"

-New Dimensions Radio

Age of Turmoil

By all accounts our world is escalating rapidly into complete turmoil, breakdown and chaos. Everything, and i mean everything, is now coming to the fore.

Here's what we have brewing: First, there are enough weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and biological) in existence today to destroy the planet at least 20 times over. This is a fact that cannot be disputed as the global arms race continues to escalate. As peoples and nations not only exercise their percieved right to defend themselves against ever growing threats brought about by increased levels of fear and anxiety, so too is this fear swiftly dominating the collective human psyche as the world implodes into utter desperation and despair.

Second, world population levels are completely off the charts and out of control. As of 2010, there are an estimated 7 billion people on Earth. There are now more people living today today than have ever lived in all of human history. This is unprecedented and is the root cause of many of the conflicts and tensions that are quickly arising throughout the planet.

Thirdly, the global environment is under assault by human activity on a level never seen or experienced before. Air, water and soil pollution and scarcity, the threat of global climate change, urban sprawl, the deforestation of many of our precious rainforests, the desertification of large tracts of once fertile farming and grazing lands, the creation and build-up of obscene levels of toxic and radioactive waste, the overfishing, plankton die-off and death of many of the coral reefs throughout the world's oceans, the loss of the Earth's protective canopy of stratospheric ozone, the harm and environmental damage done due to the introduction and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO's), the principle loss of biodiversity in our tropical zones, the literal holocaust of vast tracts of forestland in our arctic regions by insect pestilence brought on by global warming, the list goes on and on...

The build-up and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the increasing level of human population numbers and the growing array of threats to the global environment are the 3 primary ingredients or factors that are quickly leading human civilization into an inevitable and highly predictable world of future turmoil as well as an uncontrollable and highly volatile level of chaos and destruction in the immediate years ahead. With a little foresight and intelligence, anyone can see it coming. And coming quickly it is. It is a literal Apocalypse in the making.

Already, even today, we see clashes between peoples and nations for scarce resources; for water, for land, for food, for energy resources and for regional and global hegemony.

As population levels increase, so too are there many more demands on the natural environment, as well as more mouths to feed. Generally recognized United Nations statistics estimate that there are nearly 1 billion men, women and children today who live in absolute dire poverty worldwide, specifically in the so-called developing and third world countries of the South- Asia, Africa and Latin America. However, i believe that figure is closer to the 3 billion range. Based on national per capita income charts, decreased living standards due primarily to elevated population pressures, and diminishing access to dwindling natural resources worldwide, I calculate that nearly 1/2 of planet Earth's population now lives near or below the poverty line and is struggling daily to make ends meet. The trajectory, as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, both within the developed and developing countries, is likely to increase. That is, the disparity between those with too much and those with too little is, and will continue to widen in the years to come, unfortunately. To an outside observer, this is the mark of a highly dysfunctional, inverted and backward system of world development, as well as a quite chilling outlook on the future state of human civilization and its prospects for ultimate survival. Which brings us to the "eugenics" issue...

Simply put, eugenics is a means to cull the masses by a specific group, nationality or race to, in effect, promote and carry out the die-off and depopulation of large numbers of people. This is, in fact, what is occuring today. An example of a eugenics policy in action can be witnessed quite dramatically in regards to the issues of water and sanitation. It has been estimated that it would take somewhere between $20-40 billion US dollars to provide every single man, woman and child in the developing South with access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, yet it remains largely unfunded. Dirty water and unsanitary conditions are the prime causes of sickness, disease and death amongst the poor in the Third World. Hence, a deliberate policy to destroy the lives of millions. Take and redirect the billions that go into making an aircraft carrier, a trident submarine or few stealth bombers by the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex, and the problem is solved. Yet the problem deliberately remains unsolved. This level of consciousness is one of the major impediments that keeps us from saving our planet and drives us deeper into a world of turmoil.

An advanced, intelligent world civilization does not go down this kind of suicidal path, rather, a society in control of its destiny pursues the sanctity, sacredness and generational continuity of life on Earth, not its destruction. The trajectory of human evolution is in the promulgation, complexity and perfection of its existence, not its devolution. Life exists because it has developed the mechanisms that ensures its ability to survive, replicate and prosper. In fact, it is the very life force that has conserved and preserved our collective survival as a species over the aeons. It is this very life force that is starting to come to the fore now to rescue our planet from near certain destruction and put us on a path of planetary salvation.

The world crisis is unfolding on many levels. One of the major problems has been the speed to which events are unfolding. We have billions of years of evolution behind us and it has only been in the last couple of hundred of years where we have had the need to evolve and take stock of so much change so quickly. Another factor has been the absolute scale of the chaos, devestation and turmoil that has been unfolding around us. With billions of people now on the planet, a literal explosion of knowledge and information bombarding our senses daily and macro levels of environmental destruction starting to directly infringe upon our lives, there is a dire need for the collective human psyche to quickly come to grips with the world tragedy we are now experiencing. There is an immediate need for humanity to learn to take command of the intellectual, spiritual and evolutionary forces of self-preservation, sustainable liveihood and spiritual advancement so as to cross the threshold to planetary survival.

Truely, the age of chaos, strife, perplexity and turmoil has quickly come upon us. There are just too many people doing too much damage to the Earth. Conflicts will most definately escalate as resources, space and tolerance levels are depleted, this much is absolutely guaranteed. In a world heavily armed with weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical and/or biological war is bound to be unleashed on some level in the immediate years ahead. Human goodness, morality and proper ethical characteristics will continue to wane as people desperately struggle to acquire not only the basic necessities of life just to be able to live, but emphatically try to maintain their sense of dignity, perserverance and spiritual and/or religious coherence and clarity amongst the coming onslaught. Already in the developed world, we witness a personality shift towards backstabbing, selfishness and general meanness becoming a dominant and widely accepted cultural value.

Turmoil denotes a lack of organization and control, an inability to hold a center that consequently keeps all levels of life running smoothly and efficiently. The world crisis we are quickly plunging into will completely shatter many long held beliefs, norms and standards that most people today take for granted. It will be a time of desperation, confusion, violence and dislocation, but it is also a time of opportunity, innovation, creativity and the learning of the ability to cope with limitations. It will be a time where the old world crashes and a new world arises from the ashes and is born.

The new path towards a green/sustainable world civilization is the next stage in human and societal evolution. Its hallmarks are free, clean and sustainable/renewable energy, a one child per family population policy and a world devoid of weapons and the need to revert to violence. It is a world where all mouths are fed and all peoples are housed and clothed. The transition to this vision and this reality will be rough indeed, yet the backbone is already beginning to form. With diligence, enough critical mass and a passion for truth, justice and righteousness, we can collectively make this crossover quickly.

Thus said, many barriers stand in our way, specifically the current level of consciousness and general modus operendi of our current human and consequential world state of affairs. As our world literally spins out of control in the years and decades ahead, we must never lose sight of the 3 primary factors that are our greatest challenges chiefly responsible for the overall threat to our planetary survival and continuity. As mentioned previously they are and remain; the existence, proliferation and threat of weapons of mass destruction, the threat of overpopulation and an array of environmental crises now threatening human civilization and the biosphere. The Age of Turmoil we are now entering is founded upon these 3 primary threats and it will be how we thoroughly and quickly come to grips with each of them that will determine how smoothly or how roughly we enter into the coming Age of Ecology.

Needless to say, the primary threats from weapons, people and the environment operate synergistically, each affecting the other in like manner. For as there are more people exploiting more of the global environment, so will there inevitably arise conflicts resorting to and involving weapons. It is not enough to let the banality of eugenics to take its course. Sure, events can be orchestrated to destroy the lives of billions in a thermonuclear exchange, sure, we can pollute our food with cancer-causing GMO food and put known poisons like fluoride in our drinking water, and sure, we can cut down the rainforests removing a major carbon sink away from overcoming the supreme threat of global climate change which is slated to take the lives of billions in the foreseeable future.

However, there is another path, another world is possible. It is a world that recognizes and honors the sanctity and sacredness of all life, however lowly or destitute. A pro-life agenda recognizes and embraces the need to nuture and care for every single life form- human, plant and animal- in the coming transition. How special every single life form on Earth is. Put just one of these life forms on a planet like Mars (which, as far as we know, has no life), and that life form becomes the most precious thing in existence. Similiarily, we must conclude that all life, however destitute, however lowly, however abandoned or deemed unneccessary, must be honored, respected and acknowledged for who and what it is.

The very root cause, though, of our current global predicament is, in fact, our current level of intelligence, wisdom and consciousness, and/or lack thereof. We change our consciousness and we change our reality, its that simple. Nowhere is the need for a change in consciousness more needed than in the area of how we use and employ the use of weapons and warfare in our daily lives as a species, a subject i will now turn to...


1. The Worldwatch Institute

2. Lester Brown- Earth Policy Institute

3. Mikhail Gorbachev/Green Cross International

Saving the Planet- Chapter 2: Weapons and Warfare
Chapter 2

"the splitting of the atom has changed everything
save our modes of thinking, thus we drift towards
unparalled catastrophe"

-Albert Einstein

Weapons and Warfare

According to global statistics, the world currently spends $1.5 trillion US dollars on weapons and warfare. This is an obscene amount of money to be spent on an institution that no longer has a viable place in world affairs.

Since the splitting of the atom, war has, in effect, been rendered obselete. With the magnitude and destruction that would result from the use of today's weapons of mass destruction, their use must be specifically and emphatically prohibited- a fact I'm sure all parties would agree upon. Therefore, war as an ideology and as an institution must be banned if humankind is to have any chances of surviving the 21st century. There simply is other alternative. Small conflicts always have the possibility of escalating into larger, more regional conflicts, which, in turn, could spiral out of control to the point that that intercontinental missiles would be launched and wreak unspeakable horror, death and destruction upon the Earth as a whole. War must, by all accounts, be strictly and institutionally terminated as a way of solving confrontations and conflicts.

Thus said, there is a supreme need to replace confrontational warfare strategies with cooperative conflict resolution strategies. Non-violent conflict resolution of most conflicts can be solved without resorting to force or violence. This is especially relevant in lieu of the forementioned consequences of having to resort to today's arsenal of physical weapons in today's increasingly volatile world. As tensions, conflict, disagreements, struggles and confrontations for scarce resources escalate, for example, there is an even greater mandate to invest in a global institutional infrastructure that practices and promulgates the art of peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution.

The US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex today spends up to $750 billion US dollars annually on the ways of weaponry and warfare. This is approximately 1/2 of global military spending and exceeds the defense budgets of nearly all the nations of the world combined. Surely, the USA is the major impediment in world affairs in the area of weapons and warfare.

Over the years and decades, trillions of US dollars have been absolutely wasted building and maintaining an infrastructure of continual warfare on Earth. Funds should have been invested in building a green/sustainable and non-violent oriented global society. If this had been started back in the 1970's when the environmental movement began, we most likely would not be facing the number of regional and global crises' we now experience today.

The major paradigm shift in international security affairs in the 21st century is one that de-emphasizes and terminates the need for more weapons and warfare and instead acknowledges the need to confront the major global environmental crises' that are starting to dramatically assert themselves in our world today.

Instead of a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)- to use a term from the Reagan years of the 1980's signifying the development of space weapons- we must shift rapidly into a Strategic Environment Initiative, to a literal 'Mission to Planet Earth'. This concept was beautifully exemplified and discussed in depth in Vice President Al Gore's book, "Earth in the Balance" a number of years ago. In his book, Al Gore noted that confronting and solving the major global environmental threats to Planet Earth must become the central organizing principle of human affairs as we enter the emerging 21st century Age of Ecology. Chief amongst those threats concerns the planetary threat of global climate change and what it will mean for the future of human civilization.

The US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex is a dinosaur. There is no longer a need for weapons and warfare amongst the peoples and nations anymore. The new global environmental threats to humanity- global climate change, the global water crisis, deforestation, desertification, overpopulation, ozone depletion, loss of biodiversity, air, water and soil pollution, the over-harvesting and fouling of our oceans, etc...- cannot and will not be fought with bombs, missiles and bullets. The US Pentagon, the primary cause and funder of most weapons in today's global military arsenal, no longer has a legitimate function serving mankind's international security needs in the 21st century. Therefore, this institution, as well as the entire panoply of domestic and international security, spy and defense related agencies across the world, need to be swiftly and thoroughly de-funded, dismantled and decommissioned. There is no longer any place for the US military, its ideology, its think tanks, its research labs or its current weapons and warfare strategies.

Rather, scientific innovation and genius now employed in the US Pentagon's industry of warfare needs to be immediately reoriented and redirected towards a pro-life, pro-environmental global security agenda. Real security means an end to the over-hyped, misconcieved and antiquated need for a Nazi style 'Department Homeland Security' and the creation, instead, of an 'International Environment Agency' responsible for protecting and securing the global environment for future generations. This is the real security need for the emerging Age of Ecology we are quickly transiting into.

With regards to intelligence and spying, I'm sure the National Security Agency (NSA) and other global spy agencies can use their computer and computational expertise in a more appropriate manner. Eavesdropping on citizens with spy cameras and listening devices on street intersections, in buses and on street corners, not only violates people's privacy and dignity, it is a complete and utter waste of talent, resources and technology. The promulgation of a fascist style police state worldwide must be terminated immediately. Without the need for enemies, there no longer is a need to eavesdrop, intercept, monitor and surreptitiously record international communications. This must become a thing of the past, its time to evolve beyond this level of dark secrecy. There is a need, though, to help disseminate information, technology and expertise with regards to building, constructing and maintaining an emerging global green/sustainable world civilization. This is the real priority for those with real intelligence.

Looking at global military expenditures today, it is quite easy to perceive that the human enterprise is going in the exact wrong direction with regards to procuring and implementing real international security measures. Tremendous levels of talent, expertise, technology, innovation, vision, energy (the US Pentagon is one the largest consumers of fossil fuels as well as one of the largest polluters in the world), and financial capital have and continue to be squandered and completely wasted at a time when the need to build the foundations for real international security, global survival and a Green World Order for human civilization has become a dire planetary necessity.

Its time to recognize the fact that weapons and warfare, principally organized, orchestrated and operated by the US military-industrial- intelligence-security complex on behalf of international corporate banking cartels, no longer have a viable place in world affairs. We must come to grips with the reality that negative confrontational policies, procurements and practices are no longer compatable with the positive life-affirming and cooperative requirements for instituting and maintaining global environmental security interests. Again, it is a matter of consciousness and intelligence. An advanced world society does not abrogate its true international security needs. In the emerging Age of Ecology, that means envisioning, funding and constructing a global green infrastructure and society, not building, maintaining and procuring more military bases or more sophisticated theater weapons or more personnel training in order to occupy and fight in foreign lands- or domestically in the case of declared martial law.

As well, all efforts to build and launch weapons into space or to conduct space warfare on Earth must be terminated immediately. Satellites and space agencies, such as the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and others, need to be re-directed away from finding ways and means to destroy targets on Earth. Today's existing space and satellite agencies need to re-orient their missions and directives away from war-fighting and towards securing our common future as a species. That means using advanced technology, intelligence and hardware to monitor all global environmental threats to the biosphere. Although this is already being done on certain levels within NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other marginal governmental agencies, the US military is still wasting most of its resources on warfighting and spying in space.

As it is today, the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex is a proxy force for international corporate banking conglomerates and cartels. That is, the global elite use this institution to carry out the will and decree of international corporate capital for their own selfish interests, as well as provide for themselves a buffer against an increasingly enlightened and agitated public- the mass majority of the world's citizenry. The current stand-off is between a very few who control nearly all the world's wealth and a seething mass of humanity on the other end with little or no real wealth. What stands between them both is the world's military establishment.

However, as the shift from a confrontational to a cooperative world paradigm unfolds, the need for this buffer will naturally evaporate. The very nature of building a Green World Order will eliminate the need for weapons and warfare. There will be no human enemies, only common global environmental threats to overcome and a sustainable, green-based society to maintain.

Unfortunately, today's global military carries out a portion of the global eugenics agenda as it continues to fund and fight wars worldwide for the global elite. This was done most recently in Iraq and continues on many continents and in many nations throughout the world. With regards to Iraq, the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex slaughtered up to 2 million Iraqi men, women and children between 2003 and 2010. Many more are expected to die in Iraq, including the US military personnel who fought in this war, thanks to the widespread use of depleted uranium (DU) in its munitions. Depleted Uranium is now widely spread throughout the region, thanks to the wind, and will go on killing and maiming life for generations to come, since DU stays radioactive for millions, if not billions, of years. It was, and continues to be, a virtual nuclear war that has and is still being fought there- just done without the blasts.

Up to 2 million dead in Iraq and another military/eugenics war has been fought for the global elite. Many other wars have been fought over the years with similiar results. World Wars 1 and 2 took the lives of many millions more. In fact, the 20th century was the bloodiest century on record. Up to 100 million perished. If today's arsenal of thermonuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons are unleashed, the death toll will surely rise into the billions. It is quite conceivable that a protracted global thermonuclear war could eliminate at least 1/2 of the human race. Although this is just educated speculation on the numbers, the potential is there.

A global eugenics agenda, of which the US military industrial-intelligence-security complex is a central part, is incompatable with the core tenets of constructing and operating a global green society. Cooperative peoples, institutions and nations build to nurture, grow and protect, not kill, destroy and maim. The dynamic couldn't be more clear, its a struggle for the heart and soul of humanity, a literal battle between the forces of life and the forces of death in the campaign to Save Our Planet.

The patriotic flag-waving in America in support of the misconceived ideal for supporting freedom, liberty and democracy in US wars of aggression across the globe, needs to be harnessed with the ideal of flying an Earth Flag in support of all efforts to secure our planet from the threats of global environmental destruction. This is the new "war", if it could be called that. A war for humanity, a war for the Earth, a war for the future existence of our species. This time though, it's a battle in the defense of all life, not for its elimination. This is a much more worthy and fullfilling task and one that will bring out the very best in human nature.

In summation, weapons and warfare have absolutely no place any longer on this planet. The advent of the nuclear bomb has made absolutely sure of that. It is now time to evolve beyond the banality of human evil and aggression and move into an era and enlightened state of being that honors, respects and celebrates life and the goodness thereof. If we collectively continue to pursue the folly of military warfare, we will surely perish as a species in this century. However, if we take the cue given to us by the advent of the Nuclear Age and its subsequent global eugenics agenda, we can learn to seize the initiative and rapidly work to transit our civilization into a sustainable, green, non-violent based world society.

The choice is to be green or not to be at all. Most rational people, if given the choice between non-violence and non-existence, will choose well, I'm sure...


1. Dr Helen Caldicott/If You Love This Planet

2. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

3. Center for Defense Information

Saving the Planet- Chapter 3: Global Climate Change
Chapter 3

"Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely
due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations"

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Global Climate Change

The threat of Global Climate Change is inarguably the greatest international security issue facing Mankind in the 21st century. In scale and in scope, global climate change represents the greatest environmental crisis the world has ever seen. Humanity now stands at the precipice of plunging into a world that by some estimates could find our planet between 2-10 degrees farenheit warmer by the end of the century than the one we currently experience today. This represents a massive disruption and dislocation not only to the physical environment, but to a human civilization utterly dependent upon the viability and stability of the Earth's life-support systems.

To put this threat into perspective, it is now acknowledged that every single country on the planet is now affected to some degree or another from the consequences of global climate change. The year 2010, as well as the 1st decade of the 21st century, were the warmest every recorded planetwide. Whether it be seasonal weather pattern shifts, a rise in sea levels, an increase in drought conditions, precipitation levels, hotter and/or colder temperatures, an escalation of extreme weather events, or any combination thereof, global climate change is changing our world in a very fundamental level.

CO2 emissions have been on the increase since the advent of the Industrial Age beginning in the 18th and 19th centuries. At the time of the Industrial Age, a baseline level of 280 ppm (parts per million) existed. As of 2010, that level has now risen to between 392-394 ppm, and is going up every year by 1 to 2 ppm, with no end in sight. If one factors in the total amount of all greenhouse gases that have been released into the atmosphere, that number jumps to 430 ppm. Additional greenhouse gases include nitrous oxides, methane and CFC's, which trap heat 10 to 25 to 15,000 times more, respectively.

Methane releases bear particular scrutiny, since a warming planet melts permafrost in the northern latitudes- particularily in Siberia- where huge amounts of methane are stored. Methane releases from previously frozen ground will most likely "fast track" the threat of global warming and its disasterous consequences for the planet.

The world's oceans, as well as the vast tropical rainforest belts in the Amazon, in the Indonesian archipelago, in Africa and Southeast Asia (along with most temperate forested areas), have been the chief carbon sinks for the planet in regards to sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions. However, as the oceans become more acidic, they lose their ability to efficently absorb CO2 while still providing a healthy oceanic ecosystem for all the creatures who depend on the ocean environment for their survival. Many coral reef areas have been bleached as a result of acidification of many coastal habitats around the globe. As well, many sea creatures are now having a difficult time forming calcium carbonate bone and skeletal structures due to the changing chemistry of the oceans.

The other major carbon sink for the planet have been the tropical rainforests, euphemistically known as the "lungs of the earth". The planet's tropical rainforests are now disappearing at an alarming rate worldwide. Figures vary from an area the size of the US state of Pennsylvannia to an area the size of Poland (or greater) being cut down every year. Whatever the case may be, it is safe to say that alot of biomass is being removed, in turn, removing the ability of those rainforest areas to absorb CO2 from the planet's atmosphere. Once cleared, deforested areas are usually burned to remove the detritus to make way for agriculture, plantations or cattle farming. In addition to removing these forest carbon sinks, more carbon is then released into the atmosphere from burning, complicating and henceforth, diminishing the global carbon capture calculus of our planet's tropical rainforest ecosystems.

As the planet's oceans and the tropical rainforest belts lose their ability to efficiently sequester carbon emissions due to removal and oversaturation, so too is the carbon cycle and its ability to reign-in and recycle carbon, diminished. This breakdown, in turn, makes the threat of global climate change ever more dangerous, as well as restricts our ability to contain and control the damage that is, and will continue to result, as planetary carbon emissions continue to escalate.

Activist Bill McKibben, author of numerous books on global climate change, and Dr James Hansen of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, have both concluded that global carbon dioxide levels need to be brought down to 350 ppm in order for human civilization to get the threat of global climate change under control, as well as minimize the projected damage and temperature increases that are forecasted to occur in this century. Vice President Al Gore, in his widely acclaimed movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", has concluded that if CO2 emissions are not brought under control and eliminated quickly, we are likely to see an increase in extreme weather events, a melting of the polar ice caps (including Greenland) and a subsequent rise in sea levels worldwide. Sea level rise will affect many low-lying coastal areas around the globe where the vast majority of humanity currently resides.

Another factor to take into account concerns the proliferation of insect-borne disease vectors worldwide. Already, insect diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, lyme disease and west nile virus are beginning to rise in latitude and elevation due to a general warming of the planet's biosphere. The spread of insect-borne diseases will only add to the high number of deaths that already occur on Earth annually due to our inability to effectively control these pests and the damage they do to both humans and animals. There are an estimated 100 billion insects in existence on Planet Earth.

The hydrocarbon economy and the burning of fossil fuels by human civilization is the primary cause of greenhouse gas emissions leading to the threat of global climate change. Left unattended, I submit that it is the "mother" of all global eugenics operations. I say this because of the dramatic life-threatening consequences that will result if allowed to continue unabated. This threat, by far the # 1 international environmental security crisis in the world today, has the potential to affect and seriously disrupt the lives of literally billions of people on Earth in the not too distant future. Global Climate Change on the scale of just a 2 degree farenheit increase this century, will bring with it a drastic increase in hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition worldwide, particularily in Africa, the poorest continent and one that will most likely suffer the harshest damage from our warming planet.

Changing weather and agricultural conditions, a projected scarcity of available food and water resources and a subsequent increase in desertification levels worldwide, will severely limit the ability of many peoples and nations, particularily in the developing world, to properly feed themselves and survive in the coming years and decades. This will only add to the current levels of existing genocide already occuring on Earth today due to preventable levels of widespread hunger, famine, disease and malnutrition worldwide.

A deliberate policy of continuing on with a highly antiquated hydrocarbon economy while systematically failing to transit our civilization into a free, non-polluting, renewable and sustainable energy economy, can only be seen as a way of seriously depopulating large numbers of people from off the face of the Earth. Granted, the population of the planet is in overshoot, however, there is another way through the difficult rapids ahead. Another world is possible. Again, we must learn to honor the sanctity and sacredness of life, however lowly or destitute. That means envisioning and implementing a literal "manhattan project" to quickly and rapidly move human civilization into a clean, renewable and sustainable energy economy for the 21st century. Solar, wind and anti-gravitic energy systems can become the bedrock foundations for an evolving and advanced world environmental order in this emerging Age of Ecology as we subsequently jettison the dirty, highly polluting, primitive practices of hydrocarbon burning.

The collective evolution and deliberate pursuit of higher levels of consciousness and intelligence will propel our species into one that thrives and survives the perils of the 21st century. Our current path degrades and diminishes life with global eugenics policies designed to inflict megadeath and ecocide. Again, this is a struggle between the forces of life and light against the forces of death and darkness in this campaign to Save the Planet.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been absolutely stellar in helping to organize and educate peoples, nations and governments of the world on the impending issue of global climate change. The United Nations has had a number of COP (conferences of the parties) over the years. As of 2010, they have held 16 conferences throughout the world working to coordinate international consensus and action agreements- as well as issuing annual reports- designed to supercede the Kyoto protocols set to expire in 2012. UN Earth Summits have similiarily been held once a decade since the 1970's in various nations. These summits have, and will continue to be, absolutely key in coordinating and coalescing global environmental knowledge, information, policy and political acumen in helping to forge an emerging Green World Order on Earth in the very near future.

The massive pine beetle epidemic that has caused the death of millions of acres of forestland in the mid to upper latitudes, particularily in the USA, Canada and Russia, is becoming one of the major catalysts needed to help expose the cost of driving a gas-guzzling SUV, for example, as well as helping the public make the connection that each 1 degree increase at the equator translates into a 10 degree increase at the poles. This is why the farther north one goes, the greater and more extensive the pine beetle damage is.

As producers and consumers of SUV's learn that their overconsumptive carbon emitting lifestyles are directly contributing to pine beetle epidemics and whole tracts of dead forest land, perhaps this will give them the impetus to shift into non-polluting solar electric and anti-gravitic transportation alternatives. The solar electric car/photovoltaic/recharge grid is one of the next critical technical and societal shifts that need to come to pass quickly as we ween our world economy off the oil spigot and drastically reduce, and eventually eliminate, our collective carbon footprint as a species. Given a time frame, I'd say the shift needs to be in full gear by 2020.

Global Climate Change, currently the "mother" of all global eugenics operations, clearly has the potential to become instead, the "mother" of all global opportunities. It is so because it will fundamentally restructure and transform every single facet of our backwards civilization and move us into the Age of Ecology where we truely and rightly belong. As the largest, most comprehensive and most serious global environmental threat to the planet, global climate change single-handedly has the potential to shift humanity onto the path of international sustainable development, a thriving global green economy and an intelligent, advanced one world government firmly in control of its own enlightened universal destiny.

Frontline and on the ground today, the elimination and deconstruction of coal and coal-fired plants- especially in China- must take first priority. Coal is the dirtiest and most carbon polluting of all the fossil fuels and needs to be banned worldwide immediately as a means of generating heat and electricity. The alternative to cover for this projected energy deficit is a full scale global campaign to mass produce, proliferate and employ the use of solar photovoltaic panels, both in a centralized and decentralized manner, across the entire planet.

The transition to a post carbon world is not only inevitable, it is a necessary mandate in regards to ameliorating the supreme threat that global climate change represents to the continuity of human civilization. The reduction and elimination of global greenhouse gases and hence, the stabilization of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, can only happen if we actively choose to engage in re-directing our talent, resources, education, genius, vision and technological priorities towards constructing and operating a renewable, functionable and sustainable world energy economy.


1. Bill McKibben/350.org

2. Vice President Al Gore/An Inconvenient Truth

3. Dr James Hansen/NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Saving the Planet- Chapter 4: The Global Water Crisis
Chapter 4

"We know that 5 million people, most of them children, die every year from illnesses caused by poor drinking water.
If we do not change our ways, by the year 2025, as much as two-thirds of the world will be living in either water scarcity
or total water deprivation."

-Maude Barlow, Author of 'Blue Covenant'

The Global Water Crisis

Water is the most precious resource on the planet as humanity enters the 21st century. Many areas of the world are already experiencing severe water shortages. In the next 2 decades it is estimated that freshwater use by humans will increase by 40 percent worldwide. In addition, the water demands for industry, energy and agriculture will grow rapidly to keep up with growing population demand.

Freshwater is a very scarce resource indeed. Only 2.5 percent of the world's water is fresh (not-salty), and two-thirds of that is locked up in glaciers and icecaps. Of the remaining amount, some 20 percent is in areas too remote for human access, and of the remaining 80 percent about three-quarters comes at the wrong time and place- with monsoons and floods- and is not captured for use by people. The remainder is less than .08 (eight-tenths) of 1 percent of the total amount of water on the planet. About 70 percent of this water is used in agriculture to grow food and fiber on which society depends. The remaining 30 percent is used for municipal water use, for households and industry.

Over the past 20 years, more than 2.4 billion people (the current total world population as of 2010 is 7 billion and growing rapidly) have gained access to the global water supply and 600 million to sanitation. Yet more than 1-2 billion do not have adequate access at all to freshwater and 3 billion do not have adequate sanitation.

Throughout the world, aquifers are being mined at an unprecedented rate. Water tables are dropping fast in fossil aquifers across the Western United States, and water tables are falling as much as a meter a year in many parts of Mexico, India, Yemen and China.

On almost all accounts, from service coverage to scarcity and water quality, poor countries of the Global South have experienced worsening conditions since they have rapid growth and immediate need and demand for water for people, food (agriculture) and industry. And since 3 billion people in developing countries still live on less than US$2.00/day, water shortages and environmental degredation have become the norm, making clean water availability a scarcer and scarcer resource to aquire. Meanwhile, global population demands increase their "tap" on the finite (and dwindling) global water supply, reducing availability and cleanliness to all in need.

In the Middle East, water resources shared by Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Syria are not sufficient to meet growing demands for freshwater needs. Annual human use of the region's water resources currently surpasses the safe or sustainable annual freshwater yield. Future deficits are predicted to be quite severe. The scarcity of freshwater in this region compounded by the historical, political and religious tensions, makes the Middle East one of the most intractable water disputes to be found anywhere on the planet. Desalinization, water imports (specifically from water rich Turkey), conservation, improved water technology and reclaimation of wastewater will help bring water use equilibrium to the area, if implemented and distributed equally amongst all the peoples and nations in the region.

The need for a more integrated approach to global water management is increasingly evident. This arises from the widespread scarcity, gradual reduction and aggravated pollution of freshwater resources in many regions of the world. It is safe to say that water is the gold of the 21st century. The potential for international conflict over water rights is very high, given that half of the world's land surface lies in international water basins. As the vast majority of water is used in agricultural production, there are conflicting objectives between the desire to conserve and enhance diminishing water resources and the need to increase water availability and food production for a growing world population.

Population growth and groundwater depletion represent the 2 most significant threats to global water stability for the peoples and nations of the world. The current rate of groundwater depletion and consumption today is not sustainable. Natural recharge rates are not keeping up with increasing demand and many water tables across the globe are receding at an alarming rate. Groundwater aquifers contain roughly 95% of the water consumed by human civilization today, while rain, rivers and lakes make up the remaining 5%.

As well, global water resources are not distributed evenly across the planet, nor is water available at all times of the year in many regions. Water usage in the developed nations in the North differs highly between those in the developing nations of the South. The Third World uses 90% of their water for agriculture, whereas in the developed North, only 50-70% is used for growing food.

In the last century alone, water usage by all peoples on Earth has nearly doubled, while at the same time, population levels have nearly tripled. In the last 50 years, the world's urban population has exploded. Currently, there are an estimated 23 megacities worldwide. A megacity is defined as a city with an estimated population of more than 10 million people. By 2015, the number of megacities is expected to grow to 36. 50% of all the people on the planet are now considered to be urban dwellers who live in cities. This has resulted in the utilization of luxuries such as flush toilets, showers and washing machines that have, in turn, drastically increased demand on finite residential supplies of water.

According to the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), over 1.2 billion people are affected by dirty polluted water contributing to up to 20 million child deaths every year. Corporate monocultural agriculture practices which use large amounts of fertilizer and pesticides, as well as industrial livestock production, both contribute greatly to the contamination of fresh water supplies. In China, 80% of the rivers are so polluted from upstream industrial effluent that fish cannot survive in them.

If current water consumption trends continue, it has been estimated that water shortages could cause the loss of up to 350 million metric tonnes of crop losses in a world with growing food demands. Water contamination, industrial and residential diversion, the depletion of aquifers and the effects of global climate change (particularily in the US state of California- commonly referred to as the 'bread-basket of the world'), will be responsible for this overall loss in global agricultural productivity.

The Himalayan and Andes glaciers, whose rivers and runoff support the lives of billions of people downstream, are shrinking in size every year thanks primarily to the effects of global warming. In addition to the loss of forestland upstream, seasonal flooding and decreased river flow in the dry seasons have resulted in leaving many with a water deficit in times of greatest need during the year.

The Nile river, which runs through Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, exemplifies the potential for future water conflicts. The banks of the Nile support one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. As population and land use pressures increase over time, conflict is inevitable. This dynamic is especially true in China, one of the most heavily populated and water poor countries on Earth. The potential for future water wars between peoples and nations will very likely tear domestic and international relations at the seams, however, the global water crisis also has the unique opportunity to foster international cooperation and management of this most precious of resources.

In the coming years and decades, the global water crisis will become much more acute worldwide. As global population rates add over a billion people to the Earth every 15 years now, the Earth's finite capacity to provide clean, safe drinking water to all members of the human family will be seriously diminished. Population growth notwithstanding, pollution, groundwater depletion, global climate change and increasing demand will severely impede the growth, health and well-being of billions living now, and in future generations, if steps are not now immediately taken by the international community to develop strategies of cooperation, trust and urgent global management of this single most critical of resources.

In lieu of the forementioned developments regarding access to water, global water cartels are bound to arise. Indeed, many have already and are today working to exploit the world's freshwater resources for corporate profit. As water does, in fact, become the new "gold" of the 21st century, due to its inherent and projected scarcity, it is no suprise that transnational corporations are jumping at the prospect of privatizing the world's water supply for profit. Thus said, I believe all efforts must be made to keep water resources free and available to all without regard to economic status, as well as designate water access and use as a common right to all sentient life on Earth.

According to Maude Barlow in her book, 'Blue Covenant', there are 3 facets of the global water crisis we are now experiencing: Dwindling freshwater supplies, inequitable access to water and the corporate control (privatization) of global water supplies. All 3 facets play into the current global eugenics agenda operated by the global elite to deny large segments of the world's population access to to the most basic amenities of simple survival, in this case, water. Along with global climate change, the global water crisis is being used to purposely destroy the lives of billions of lives across the planet. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Another world is possible.

The global water crisis is exacerbated by global climate change to the degree that large areas of the world's oceans and land surfaces are experiencing a general warming of their respective environments. In the world's oceans, this is resulting in the expansion of sea water volume brought about from thermal temperature expansion and inputs of huge amounts of fresh water from polar melting at both of the ice caps (including Greenland). On land, the spread of drought and desertification has increased significantly. In Australia, the American Mid-west and in the US state of California, drought conditions will continue to cause severe water shortages in these regions on into the foreseeable future.

As a key component of the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional global crisis that humanity is now beginning to experience here on Earth, the global water crisis, as severe as it is now and is projected to become, is also a grand opportunity to forge a world water security agency or council, that on behalf of all humanity, works to not only secure equitable and sustainable access and distribution of the world's water requirements, but also lays the foundation for providing future generations with their water security needs as well.

The world needs to come together and recognize that we are one species on this planet. We need to rise-up and collectively say 'no' to the billions that go into building and maintaining a Trident nuclear submarine, for example, and re-direct those desperately needed funds into providing clean, accessible, fresh water to every single member of the human family. Its time for the human race to abandon a eugenics program that not only purposely denies water access to the poor, but deliberately dumps toxic chemicals such as fluoride and other carcinogenic substances into the water supplies of cities and municipalities with the objective to kill and control a population. Rather, its time to get onto a track that honors, cares and embraces the miracle that is life on Earth.

One view from space says it all: We are a water planet. 70% of the Earth's surface is, in fact, water. 90% of our bodies are water. Water is the source and sustainer of life as we know it. Without it we perish. Water is so basic and so fundamental to everything we are and do, how can we possibly ignore it? Along with access to food, the air we breathe, the warmth we feel from the sun and the human community that sustains us all, we can't even function, think or exist without adequate supplies of clean, fresh water to nourish our bodies or to bath in. Truely, the time has come for the human species to evolve to a level of consciousness, intelligence and being that not only honors, respects and revers water as the giver and sustainer of life, but works to equitably share and sustain this most precious of Earth's endowments for future generations.


1. Maude Barlow/Blue Planet Project

2. Vandana Shiva/Water Wars

3. Sandra Postel/Global Water Policy Project

Saving the Planet- Chapter 5: The World Population Explosion
Chapter 5

"There will not be an environment left to worry about unless we get the population crisis under control."

-John Adams (Natural Resources Defense Council)

The World Population Explosion

Today, there are more people living on our planet than at any other time in all of human history. World population has quadrupled in the 20th century from 1.6 billion in 1900 to more than 7 billion people in 2010. We are enveloped in a literal explosion of human endeavor, consumption and development as never experienced before.

One half of the world's population- 3 billion- live in a state of total, absolute abject poverty, surviving on an unimaginable US$2.00/day. Our once plentiful air, land and water resources are being systematically stretched to the maximum to meet the growing demands of an urban and rural sprawl that has become human civilization at the dawn of the 21st century.

Every year more than 40 million innocent men, women and children (that's more than 6 jewish holocausts annually) needlessly and ruthlessly perish on our planet from hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition. Yet to meet a projected global population of 8.5 billion by 2025, it is expected that the world will have to double its annual food production capacity to meet the growing demands for more food, despite the fact that current levels of production and distribution have been fatally disasterous for the world's destitute to date.

The world's richest countries with roughly 20 percent of the world's population account for roughly 85 percent of the total consumption of global resources, whereas the poorest 20 percent account for just 1.3 percent. More than half of the 4- 5 billion people in the developing nations of the Global South lack basic sanitation, almost a third do not have access to clean water, one quarter lack adequate housing, and one fifth do not have access to health services at all.

The cumulative effect of the global population and poverty explosions have wreaked havoc on the global environment as well. Global carbon dioxide emissions have increased 12 fold from 534 million metric tons in 1900 to 35 billion metric tons per year in the year 2010. Half of the world's forests have disappeared since the Industrial Revolution. In the last 40 years, per capita forest area worldwide has fallen by more than 50 percent, from a global average of 1.2 hectares to 0.6 hectares per person.

Massive land degradation, widespread water resource depletion, growing desertification, elevated and expanding global air pollution levels, unprecedented biodiversity loss and sprawling urbanization pressures are all the result of a planetary civilization that is by all accounts and definitions is completely out of control.

Humanity now stands at the crossroads of its own future and survival as a species. Its time for the human race to evolve, transform itself into an advanced civilization and radically move beyond the ineptness, ignorance and stupidity that have been responsible for the level and extent of global poverty and overpopulation we now experience on our planet.

It is time NOW for a massive re-distribution of wealth to the world's poor. Efforts must begin immediately to educate the world's citizens as to our common global predicament. We must take command and seize control of our own destiny, no one else will do it. The promotion of organic, sustainable international agriculture and development as well as the introduction and use of decentralized, non-polluting, free alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and anti-gravity must become paramount.

Reduction of the global population rate worldwide must similiarly become one of our highest priorities, since it is the root cause of all the global poverty and environmental destruction we witness on our planet today.

Overall, as it stands today, global society is in imminent danger in failing to come to grips with the absolute urgency of the world population explosion. The vast majority of the total world population expansion has taken place in less than one tenth of one percent in the short history of homo-sapiens. However, it is only at this late stage of human evolution that we are beginning to see the need to contain our 'out of control' growth. Physical, finite limits of the Earth's ability to sustain human civilization is at the breaking point. Many believe we are already in overshoot and have exceeded the Earth's 'carrying capacity' as a species. In fact, the World Wildlife Fund came out with a report a few years back that stated, in essence, that we would need another 3-4 Earth size planets just to be able to sustain present lifestyles many of us in the developed world now enjoy. In other words, many of us are living beyond our means.

A good way to visualize and comprehend the threat that global population represents is contained in the weed and pond analogy. A pond weed grows and doubles every day in area lets suppose. In just 29 days (to pick a month duration period for this analogy), that pond weed will cover one-half of the pond. The weed will then double the next day and cover the entire pond. This is what is commonly referred to as exponential growth. This is a good illustration of something that begins slowly and can suddenly overtake us in a flash. The biggest jump, that final day in the weed/pond analogy, is occuring right now. In just under one century, if present trends continue, we will be doubling from 5 to 10 billion people, in effect, covering the entire pond.

If humanity fails to act and take serious steps to reign in the rate of population growth very, very soon, it is essentially guaranteed that nature will end the population explosion for us in very unpleasant ways. Those very unpleasant ways are now starting to come to the fore in the areas of global environmental degradation, depletion and scarcity of natural resources, increased conflict between between peoples and nations and, ultimately, with the overall loss of our health, well-being and mortality from hunger, starvation, disease and famine. This is, in effect, what is actually transpiring today, to a degree. The prospect for further damage will continue to grow to the degree that we continue to fail in our collective ability as a species to halt and sharply reverse global population growth.

Crop failures due to the effects of global climate change and the diminution of access to water resources, both have the potential together to cause the premature deaths of more than a billion people in the next few decades. The global AIDS pandemic, centered primarily in the sub-saharan region of Africa, will continue to take the lives of millions more. Hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition, as mentioned previously, is natures way of removing surplus people as the human enterprise systematically fails to institute and enforce birth control measures, family planning laws and regional 'carrying capacity' policies designed to drastically limit and scale back demographic world population rates.

At the same time, I would interject that a very devious global eugenics agenda is also being played out by the global elite on the world stage to purposely depopulate a large portion of the world's masses. This is being done primarily through unsustainable international economic development practices and strategies, the harmful inoculation of large numbers of people both in the developed and developing world, and through the deliberate poisoning of our food and water supplies. Genetically engineered food has been introduced and is being consumed both as a sterilant and as a cancerous carcinogen designed to eventually 'soft-kill' the consumer from the ingestion of this type of product. Most drinking water in the Third World is, and remains, polluted and contaminated to a large degree, giving many millions of the poor water-borne diseases that have and will continue to kill them. In rich countries, highly toxic chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride, both known carcinogens, are routinely dumped in municipal water supplies along with other mind-altering toxins and poisons, such as lithium, prozac and uranium. Over time, these toxins and poisons will ultimately 'soft-kill' their hosts as well.

As horrid and as insidious as these practices are, I believe that there is another path to tread, one that preserves and protects the overabundance of life that is already here and one that does not work to destroy it. All life is precious. Another world is possible.

Its high time to seize the initiative and declare an enforcable one child per family policy throughout every single nation on Earth until this planetary emergency can be brought under control. As an analogy, when one walks into a house that has been flooded, the very first priority to take is to stop the source of the incoming water, not attempt to salvage household goods.

Recognizing that overpopulation and rapid population growth are intimately connected to the depletion of non-renewable energy resources, the general deterioration of the global environment and increased levels of international tension and conflict, we must come to learn that this issue is also the root source and chief contributor of our prospective catastrophe and discontinuity as a species.

About two-thirds of the world grain harvest today is used to feed livestock to produce eggs, milk and animal protein for American style diets. If everyone on Earth switched to an essentially vegetarian diet, we could feed a billion or more starving people. 10 to 100 times the amount of water goes into producing 1 pound of beef as opposed to producing 1 pound of grain. This is why shifting to a diet for a new world is so critical. Not only will starving people be fed, but natural resources will be conserved as we tread more lightly and soften our ecological footprint upon the Earth. As well, the gulf between the world's stuffed and starved will stand a good chance of drawing to a close, bringing more health, stability, well-being, higher consciousness and intelligence into a world grossly out of balance with its priorities and prospects for survival.

Our aversion to limiting the size of the planet's population are as deep and pervasive as the roots of our sexual behaviors and needs as sentient beings to live meaningful, fulfilling lives during our short sojourn while here on Earth. Billions of years of evolution have literally ingrained our DNA with the virtues of self-preservation and replication. However, in our current predicament, there is no more time to waste. Wasting time and deferring the population crisis has already condemned the lives of hundreds of millions to premature deaths due to hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition.

Truely, action to end the human population explosion must become a top priority on the human world survival agenda. The number of human births and birth rates must be lowered immediately. Time is of the essence, otherwise we will continue down a downward spiral that is quickly, swiftly and efficiently moving us beyond the point of no return.

Already, increased human numbers and activity are responsible for urban sprawl, the spread of epidemics, an increase in crime, more trash and sewage, more cars, more smog, more traffic, more droughts, floods and extreme weather events caused by global climate change, more failed and damaged crop yields, increases in hunger, starvation and famine, water shortages, more dying and deforestation of forests, more desertification, more regional and international conflict etc... This trajectory will continue and worsen until humanity learns to come to grips with the world population crisis and begins to take charge of its own destiny as intelligent, advanced and compassionate life-forms on this spectacular planet of ours.

With enough foresight, we can evolve our hearts and minds to take measures immediately and benignly to lower and reverse global birth rates worldwide. As part of an integrated, synergistically oriented and multidimensional strategy to Save Our Planet, people must also learn to treat unlimited growth as a cancerous disease. The transition to a green/sustainable world order and an emerging Age of Ecology mandates that the world's rich and well-off make helping the poor and needy an urgent priority and goal. Its time for the rich to help the poor, its that simple.

It has been estimated that the maximum human carrying capacity for the Earth is between 2-3 billion, living sustainably. Sustainable living practices and goals can be achieved within a functioning global green economy. Birth rates can be reduced worldwide with a one child per family policy. Funds can be redirected from the world's military and invested in preventing and ending the incredible level of human suffering that is unfortunately occuring on Earth today.

Along with the threat of nuclear, chemical and/or biological war and an array of threats to the global environment, the threat of overpopulation ranks as one of the very top threats to human survival in the 21st century. Rather than an orchestrated 'die-off' of the world's masses currently being carried out and executed by the global elite, let us instead work to protect the inherent dignity and right to life for all people who are priviledged to be alive at this very hour in our collective planetary evolution. As we consciously learn to honor and protect all life on Earth, we will, in turn, learn to secure our own future as a species- one where the world population explosion is brought under control and the threat of overpopulation is a mere relic of the past...


1. Paul and Anne Ehrlich/The Population Bomb

2. World Scientists Warning to Humanity

3. United Nations Population Division

Saving the Planet- Chapter 6: Deforestation/Desertification
Chapter 6

"The world's forests need to be seen for what they are: giant global utilities, providing essential public services
to humanity on a vast scale. They store carbon, which is lost to the atmosphere when they burn, increasing global warming. The life they support
cleans the atmosphere of pollutants and feeds it with moisture. They act as a natural thermostat, helping to regulate our climate and sustain the lives
of 1.4 billion of the poorest people on this Earth"

- Prince Charles


The estimated rates of global deforestation are astounding. Approximately 2.4 acres of forestland are cut down every second (the equivalent of 2 football fields). That figure equals 150 acres per minute, 215,000 acres per day (an area larger than New York City) and 78 million acres per year (an area larger than the nation of Poland).

Deforestation occurs primarily through the cutting down and burning of trees. Burning releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere helping to further promote the threat of global climate change. In addition, fewer trees means a lessening of the global forest's ability to absorb CO2.

Deforestation also leads to land degradation which diminishes the land's ability to catch, hold and retain rainwater, thereby causing increased runoff and flooding in the wet season and water shortages in the dry season. Nearly 60% of the world's temperate rainforests have already been logged. If current deforestation rates continue, scientists estimate that nearly all tropical rainforest ecosystems will be destroyed by 2030.

Global desertification is similiarily a serious global environmental threat. Some 30 percent of the Earth's surface today suffers from some form of desertification. More than 80 of the 110 countries in the world who are experiencing desertification are poor, underdeveloped nations located in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet- countries least able to cope with the encroachment.

The problem is most acute in western and southern Africa. According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), drought and desertification threaten the livelihood of over 1 billion people in more than 110 countries around the world.

The ability of land to provide food and sustain life is being primarily affected by global climatic conditions and the loss of biomass in any given region today, but human activity is by far the major cause of desertification. Land permanently degraded by global desertification increases by 10 million hectares (the size of Nova Scotia) every year. It is estimated that global cliamte change will increase the total area of desert land on Earth by nearly 20% in the 21st century.

Both deforestation and desertification can only be reversed by profound changes in people's consumption patterns and behavior. The vulnerability, sustainability and maintenance of the global ecosystems that undergird our continued existence on Earth must learn to be respected and cared for on the most fundamental of levels. Step by step, changes must ultimately lead towards sustainable land use and the growing necessity to retain and insure food, water and climatic security for a growing world population on into the 21st century.

The majority of the rainforest cut down today is cleared for the growing of agricultural crops and for cattle grazing. Large cattle pastures often replace rainforest to grow beef for the world market. Commercial logging provides trees for sale both as timber and as pulp.

The 2 areas on Earth that are undergoing the most intense rates of deforestation are the Amazon basin region of South America and the vast territories of Southeast Asia, which include the nations of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.

Deforestation by a peasant farmer in many developing countries of the global South often is done to grow crops for self-subsistence and is driven by the basic need for food and sustenance. On the national level, governments sell logging concessions to raise money for projects, pay off international debt (which is often the case) and/or to develop industry. Most tropical countries are very poor by US standards.

Tropical forests store an immense amount of carbon. The plants, soil and biomass of tropical forests worldwide are believed to hold between 400-600 billion metric tons of carbon. Each acre of tropical forestland stores roughly 200 metric tons of carbon.

When a forest is cut down and replaced by cropland or pastures, the ability of those trees to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is lost. In addition, a portion of the wood as well as the debris that gets burned in any tropical 'slash and burn' operation is also released back into the atmosphere. As such, deforestation, especially in tropical forest lands, is second only to direct carbon emission releases brought about through the burning of fossil fuels by industrial society, in helping to fuel the threat that global climate change imposes upon the world's biosphere.

In regards to biodiversity, tropical rainforests are believed to harbor nearly one half to three quarters of all the millions of species of life on Earth, although they only take up roughly 7% of the planet's landmass. Deforestation practices are creating a literal "holocaust" of species in these unique habitats, millions of which have never even been seen, named or catalogued.

Commercial logging of a rainforest produces a range of results. Under selective logging practices, a relatively few number of trees are left standing to provide seeds and shade for a new forest to eventually grow back which may take anywhere between 20-50 years on average. Clearcutting practices do much more damage to a typical tropical rainforest. When all the trees are removed, bare ground is often left behind and very little can grow back on it. There are almost no nutrients left behind because all of the tree trunks have been removed.

Truely, the deforestation of tropical rainforests is a threat to all life worldwide. Currently, deforesting forest land in tropical nations is having profound effects on global climate change and is contributing greatly to the loss of biodiversity (life's gene-pool) as well as to the extinction of thousands of species annually.

Fortunately, stopping unsustainable deforestation practices in the tropics is becoming a growing international movement. Sustainable forestry practices and reforestation efforts are beginning to catch on, but still remain a secondary strategy behind the prime drive to acquire forest products as quickly and as destructively as possible.

As previously mentioned, the world's rainforests, in addition to the world's oceans, act as major carbon sinks for the sequestration of global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Known euphemistically as the "lungs of the earth", tropical rainforests play a very important role in regulating and maintaining the equilibrial stasis of Earth's climate. As such, deforestation is a major contributor to global warming. Tropical deforestation is responsible for approximately one third of global greenhouse gas emissions according to the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change.

Reducing emissions from tropical deforestation and degradation (REDD) in developing countries has become an important component in regulating global greenhouse gases. Current deforestation practices, both within the developed and developing nations, also contributes mightily to regional and global water shortages. As trees are cut down and removed, soils no longer are able to hold in and retain moisture. This contributes to a number of downstream flooding and shortage problems during alternating seasons of the year.

Today, developed nations utilize timber primarily for building homes and wood pulp for making paper products. In the third world, 3 billion people (roughly 1/2 of the world's population) rely on dwindling supplies of wood for all their heating and cooking needs.

Overall, there is a general consensus that the destruction of the world's rainforests remains a serious global environmental issue. Up to 90% of West Africa's coastal rainforests have disappeared since 1900. About 90% of South Asia's rainforests have been lost and much of what remains in the Amazon rainforest basin, which covers nearly 4 million square kilometers, is rapidly disappearing.

At the recent UN COP-15 global climate change convention held in Copenhagen in 2009, an accord was reached with a collective commitment by developed nations for new and additional resources, including investments through international organizations that may approach $30 billion US dollars, to assist tropical nations to manage and protect their rainforests more effectively.

A major condition for adopting a sustainable forest management systems involves reforestation efforts. In many parts of the world, reforestation and afforestation efforts are increasing the world's area of forested land. The amount of woodland has increased in 22 of the world's 50 most forested nations. Asia as a whole gained 1 million hectares of forest between 2000 and 2005. Based on these trends, it is projected that global forests will increase by 10% (an area the size of India) by 2050. This is all the more needed as the planet also experiences an increase in areas affected by the threat of global desertification.

Desertification is the degradation of land primarily in arid and dry sub-humid areas due to climatic variations and human activity. It is a gradual process of soil productivity loss, drought and a loss or exploitation of a region's biomass. Human factors such as overcultivation, overgrazing, deforestation and poor irrigation practices all contribute to the spread of desertified lands.

Desertification has become a major global environmental problem directly affecting approximately one third of the Earth's total land surface. Up to 1 billion people who depend on land for most of their subsistence needs in over 100 countries worldwide are threatened. Although desertification affects the continent of Africa the most, up to 1/3rd of the land in the mid-western USA is threatened by increased desertification trends. In China alone, sand drifts and rapidly expanding deserts have destroyed 700,000 hectares of cultivated land, 2.3 million hectares of rangeland and some 6.5 million hectares of forestland. Worldwide, some 70% of the 5.2 billion hectares of land cultivated for agriculture are already degraded and are threatened by further desertification. This trend will no doubt escalate due to a rapidly warming planet brought on by the effects of global climate change.

Desertification is at the root of many of today's political and socio-economic instabilities and poses a substantial environmental threat to the peoples and nations of the world. Some 60 million people are expected to migrate from desertified areas of sub-saharan Africa to north africa and europe in the next few decades. The chief cause of desertification in the Sahel is slash and burn farming in which soil degradation is increased due to constant winds removing unprotected topsoil. The sahara desert is expanding south at a rate of 48 kilometres a year.

The central asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are also affected. More than 80% of Afghanistan's and Pakistan's land are subject to soil erosion and desertification as are a large portion of land in the nations of Mexico and Brazil. Combating the encroachment of desert land has taken the form of refixating degraded soil in terms of planted tree and grass belts, woodlands and windbreaks. Windbreaks are made from trees and bushes and are used to reduce soil erosion and evapotranspiration. Enrichment of the soil and the restoration of its fertility is often done with plants. In order to solve the problem of cutting down trees for personal energy requirements in arid environments, solutions such as solar ovens and efficient wood burning stoves are often advocated and employed as a means to reduce pressure upon the local environment.

On a much larger scale, a "great green wall of China" is being built in north-eastern China which will eventually stretch more than 5,700 kilometers in length, nearly as long as the traditional great wall of china. This will, in theory, be used to protect the nation against further encroachment of desert lands now ravaging the continent. The nation of Senegal is also erecting its own form of a "green wall".

Both the threats of deforestation are desertification remain profound international security threats to the future of human civilization. Reforestation efforts are needed now on a global scale to counter both the removal of trees from forestland and the loss of productive land due to the rapid increase in desertified land areas across the globe. Wangari Maathai, winner of the nobel peace prize in 2004 and founder of the international greenbelt movement in Kenya, has been a leader in the global reforestation campaign. Her methods have been adopted by many countries as a means to promote sustainable development and environmental stability in lands both threatened by deforestation and desertification.

A eugenics perspective will conclude that the current rate of biomass extraction from the world's finite forestland and the further degradation of vulnerable arid and semi-arid lands will damage not only the environments on which millions of people depend, but will further denigrate and destroy their ability to regenerate into stable and sustainable ecosystems. Truely, this is not a preferable outcome if we wish to avoid the large scale suffering and harm that will accrue to large numbers of poor peoples if present trends continue. Another world is possible.

Its time to stop the clearance of forestland for cattle grazing and help promote a diet that does not rely on the consumption of large amounts of beef for fast food restaurants in the rich nations of the northern hemisphere. A diet for a new world is one that must emphasize ecological responsibility and vegetarianism, which will, in turn, conserve and protect our precious rainforests worldwide. In order to help solve both the deforestation and desertification phenomenon's, we also need immediate world population control measures which will limit the infringement and damage done to growing fragile arid and semi-arid areas on the planet. Both the comprehensive management of precious water resources and the mitigation of global climate change must similiarily become paramount priorities in an overall integrated strategy to protect our forest and desert lands for future generations.


1. Rainforest Action Network

2. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

3. Wangari Maathai/International Greenbelt Movement

Saving the Planet- Chapter 7: Solar, Wind and Anti-Gravity
Chapter 7

"Clearly, we need more incentives to quickly increase the use of wind and solar power; they will cut costs, increase our energy independence
and our national security and reduce the consequences of global warming"

- Hillary Rodham Clinton

Solar, Wind and Anti-Gravity

Alternative energy sources are the wave of the future. Solar, wind and anti-gravity have the greatest potential and are some of the most promising energy alternatives if mass produced and made cheaply available to the public on a large scale.

The current hydrocarbon economy (oil, gas, coal etc...) is antiquated, outdated, dirty, energy intensive, environmentally destructive and directly responsible for the international security threat of global climate change we are currently witnessing and experiencing on our planet today.

Solar photovoltaics have the greatest potential to bring decentralized, non-polluting, 'house-to-house' alternative electrical energy to the public. Wind power, non-polluting and plentiful throughout the world, also has great potential to bring alternative power to the masses if harnessed properly. Anti-gravity energy and electrogravitic propulsion, otherwise known as free energy technology, is currently locked-up in secret 'black budget' military labs and defense corporations throughout the developed world, most notably in the USA. Giant international oil corporations have decided to hold back this highly developed energy source and introduce it sometime in the future so as to maximize current oil/petrodollar profits in the present- a diabolically dangerous and insidiously selfish policy in lieu of the immediate global climate change threat to the planet's biosphere and its ability to sustain life over the long term. But make no mistake about it, anti-gravity energy will propel the global transportation industry well into the 21st century and beyond...

The transition to an alternative energy economy should have been made 40 years ago back in the 1970's when the environmental movement was born. But because greed, short-sightedness, self-interest and infatuation with short-term power and profit took precedent over maturity, evolution, long-term security and the overall advancement of the human enterprise, we now find ourselves faced with a planetary energy and environmental crisis of unprecedented proportions threatening our very survival and continuity as a species and as a civilization.

Truely, it is high time to supercede the outmoded, outdated and largely failing hydrocarbon economy with advanced, non-polluting, decentralized, plentiful and cheap alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and anti-gravity- there is absolutely no time to waste.

Recognizing, therefore, the absolute need and imperative to rapidly shift into an alternative and renewable energy economy, it must be stated outright that solar energy, in and of itself, has the potential to create the bridge necessary for human civilization to advance decisively towards a non-polluting, carbon neutral global society.

Solar energy, along with wind, tidal, geothermal, hydro and biomass account for most of the traditional renewable energy sources on Earth.

The total amount of incoming solar radiation hitting the planet is approximately 3-4 million exajoules per year. This incoming energy in one hour is the equivalent of what the world uses in one year. Needless to say, this a tremendous amount of energy, that, if harnessed properly, could put a huge dent in humanity's overall energy requirements. Such a transition to solar energy would dramatically transit our civilization away from a carbon-based society and re-orient it towards an alternative energy based economy in the immediate years and decades ahead.

Solar energy can be harvested at different levels throughout the world. Although passive and thermal energy applications have their place, it is primarily electrical generation through the harnessing of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, where solar energy can have its largest impact.

A key factor that must be acknowledged with solar photovoltaic panels is that they are not dependent on the heat of the sun, but rather on its differential levels of light output. This is why PV panels can also work very efficiently in cold, high latitude climates with ground snow reflecting ambient light on south facing panels.

In the USA alone, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning needs account for approximately 30% of the energy use in commercial buildings and nearly 50% in residential buildings. Most, if not all, of these energy requirements can be met with centralized and decentralized (roof-top panel) solar photovoltaic arrays.

The beauty of solar energy is its ability to covert sunlight into electricity. An 80 megawatt photovoltaic power plant in Canada named Sarina is one of the world's largest photovoltaic plants and is a good example of a centralized means of harvesting solar energy. Decentralization of solar PV applications, though, is truly the wave of the future. One of the most critical technological and energy use paradigm shifts that society will soon undergo will be the transition to a solar electric based energy economy. With the advent of electric cars starting to make their debut, it is all but certain that an international electrical energy recharge grid will similiarly arise to power this new alternative transportation fleet. Hence, the construction and use of roof-top solar PV panels on every commercial and residential roof-top building around the world. People will be able to drive to and from work during the day, come home at night, plug in and recharge their vehicles overnight. Of course, this will mandate good home based electrical storage battery systems coupled with an international energy grid powered by centralized PV power plants to tap during times of shortage and voltage deficit.

The introduction and wide spread use of electric vehicles will help transit our civilization off the destructive carbon based hydrocarbon economy we are now enmeshed in. As an interim step towards a fully fledged free energy anti-gravity based energy economy, the widespread use of electric cars and solar photovoltaic energy can help Save Our Planet from the most destructive effects of incoming global climate change. But it has to be done quickly.

The design and construction of electric cars are in their infancy as of 2010, but good prototypes do exist. The new 'tesla' electric vehicles get 250 miles per charge and are powered by lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are much more efficient in storing and oursourcing electrical voltage than current gasoline type car batteries.

There are tremendous amounts of natural lithium deposits in the nation of Bolivia. In fact, their deposits have been dubbed the new saudi-arabian equivalent of lithium resources for the planet. As these resources are developed and lithium batteries, as well as electric vehicles, start going into mass production soon- perhaps in China- then we are well on our way towards creating an alternative, non-polluting, free energy based global society. This is the new Age of Ecology and Green World Order we desperately need to shift into if the human species is to survive the dangerous and tumultuous times that are immediately ahead.

Simply put, energy derived from the sun can rapidly and decisively move our global civilization onto a clean, sustainable and renewable energy path. All the energy is there. All the genius, institutional talent, creativity, innovation, intelligence and capital is there also. The only impediments are the outmoded, highly dysfunctional and very destructive global eugenics operations and large scale depopulation agendas and policies currently being carried out the global elite. Its time to stop building, funding and constructing a fascist Nazi-style world security police state control grid with all its cameras, prisons, militaries and tyranny designed to persecute and terrorize the masses. Instead, let us re-direct those trillions of US dollars into building and maintaining a global green society. It is a monumental task whose time has come and will be a dramatic transformation away from a world based on the dark energies of fear and intimidation. Instead, it will be a world that is based on the liberation, upliftment, advancement of all of Earth's inhabitants as well as the conservation, protection and preservation of the global environment.

In addition to the use of solar energy, the utilization of wind energy is sure to have a great impact in breaking our addiction to oil and other carbon based fuels.
The world market for wind turbines saw very robust growth in 2010, with approximately 16 gigawatts of electrical generation capacity added worldwide. China, by far, represents the largest market and added 7800 megawatts to its total wind generating capacity of 34 gigawatts in 2010 alone. The USA, still number one in total capacity with 36 gigawatts, saw a major decrease in new installations and added only 1200 megawatts to its total generational capacity in 2010. In Europe, Germany added about 660 megawatts, France and the UK about 500 megawatts apiece, Italy 450 and Spain 400 megawatts. The total capacity of all the wind turbines installed worldwide reached 175 gigawatts in 2010, compared to 159 gigawatts in 2009.

Wind energy showed a growth rate of over 30%, a trend that will nearly double global wind generational capability every 3 years. Currently, wind generated electrical consumption amounts to roughly 2% of total global electrical energy use. In 2010, the global economy employed 550,000 people in the wind energy sector. That figure is expected to top 1 million by 2012.

China remains the locomotive of the international wind industry, is itself one of the biggest markets for new turbines and has more than doubled its wind generating capacity for a fourth year in a row now.

Due to the constant availability of its offshore winds, more then 20% of Denmark's electricity energy consumption is produced by means of wind power. Denmark is also one of the leading producers of wind turbines in the world with an almost 40% share of total world wide production and remains one of the world's shining examples on the viability of harnessing wind power for national needs.

The US state of Wyoming with its constant availability of prevailing winds, could erect enough wind turbines to probably power a large part of the USA just off its wind generating capacity alone. The same could be said for the US state of Arizona and its large open desert areas of incoming solar radiation, coupled with large arrays of PV panels. Selective alternative energy schemes from these 2 US states alone could probably supply the current and projected energy needs for the entire USA for years to come. All that lacks is the political will to do so and the hydrocarbon economy will become a thing of the past.

Anti-Gravity, by far though, is the real new alternative energy source for the 21st century.

Currently locked up in black budget military labs and top secret intelligence facilities throughout the world, particularily in America, this technology will completely revolutionalize the way human beings interact with their environment, as well as propel mankind into the final frontier of space and beyond.

Currently, the anti-gravity issue is embedded in the false UFO/paranormal debate- a way to effectively smear and refute any and all true insight and discussion into the anti-gravitic propulsion issue- a classic military 'psy-op' public information control program. Numerous websites and books have talked of reverse engineering so called recovered "extraterrestrial craft", which is nothing more than a cover for the real black budget corporate/military antigravitic craft that have already been built and are flying clandestinely today- many employed in top secret intelligence and surveillance operations throughout the world for the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex.

Antigravitic technology has been around since the 1940's and should have been introduced into the world economy back then. Instead, we have the continuation of a highly polluting, earth-threatening, stone-age, chemical-hydrocarbon economy now manifesting itself into an unstoppable and irreversible international security threat to all life on earth: global climate change.

As well, billions of human beings have, over the years, needlessly toiled, worked and slaved, when anti-gravitic transportation, lifting and power generation could have easily met the core requirements for an advanced and sustainable world civilization.

Free, non-polluting and drawing on the limitless natural gravity of the Earth for source, antigravity is the preferential successor to the largely antiquated, failing, environmentally destructive world hydrocarbon enterprise and all its tangential spin-off industries (plastics, automotive, manufacturing etc..). Antigravitic propulsion, once disseminated, democratized and decentralized to all the Earth's people, will end poverty, militarism, war, hunger, disease, inequality and all environmental destruction because it is the great equalizer, a limitless energy source available to all, irregardless of status, rank, or position in society. It is the wave that lifts all boats, permanently leveling the playing field and Saving our Planet from near certain destruction.

Antigravitics is the key that opens the portal to a highly intelligent, compassionate, advanced, mature, innovative, technologically superior and survivable world civilization for the 21st century. Every single day that passes without the critical decision to unleash this miracle is a day that mankind and earth devolves into a new dark age of social, environmental and planetary collapse.

That collapse is not inevitable though if the human species develops the collective will to evolve beyond the idiocy, immaturity and ineptness of today's failing society and crumbling economy. In fact, solar, wind and anti-gravity energy together represent a supreme opportunity in this global crisis to effectively seize and redefine our future into one that survives and prospers well into the 21st century and beyond.

Solar, wind and anti-gravity are clean, free, non-polluting, alternative, renewable and sustainable energy sources. They are able to provide more than enough power to meet the world's projected energy requirements, but unfortunately continue to remain largely untapped even as the world's outmoded chemical carbon industry begins to implode upon itself.

The transition to an alternative energy economy based primarily on solar, wind and anti-gravity sources will plunge us deeply into a projected new Age of Ecology as well as provide the backbone for an emerging Green World Order that we must, out of desperate necessity, consciously and decisively embrace as rapidly as humanly possible.


1. Solar Energy International

2. Dr Steven Greer/The Disclosure Project

3. European Wind Energy Association

Saving the Planet- Chapter 8: Diet For a New World
Chapter 8

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men."

-Leonardo da Vinci

Diet For a New World

There's a major food revolution occuring in our world today. It is a move away from a largely beef-centered, meat-based diet towards one that is clean, organic, healthy and vegetarian.

Here are a few statistics worth noting:

- The beef industry has contributed to more health-related deaths than all the wars, natural disasters and automobile accidents of the 20th century combined.
- Plant sources of protein alone can provide more than adequate amounts of the essential amino acids necessary for optimum human performance and health.
- Eight billion broiler chickens are killed for food in the United States each year. There are 20 billion livestock on Earth- more than triple the number of human beings.
- To produce 1 lb of beef requires 5,214 gallons of water. To produce 1 lb of tomatoes, potatoes, wheat or carrots requires roughly only 25 gallons each. Nearly 1/2 of the water consumed in the United States is used for livestock.
- More than 2/3rds of the entire land area of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Idaho (in the USA) is used for rangeland. The whole of the American west absolutely stinks of cattle.
- The #1 factor in the elimination of latin american tropical rainforests is cattle-grazing and beef production for fast food restaurants in the USA.
- Today, more than 1 billion people on this planet do not have enough to eat, while 40% of the world's grain is fed to livestock. The demand for meat among the rich is squeezing out staple food production for the world's poor.
- The number of underfed and chronically malnourished people in the world is 1.2 billion. The number of overfed/chronically fat and overnourished people in the world is 1.2 billion.
- The amount of US produced corn eaten by people in the world is only 2 percent. The amount of US produced corn fed to livestock is at 77 percent.
- 2/3rds of the food sold in US supermarkets now include genetically engineered ingredients from companies such as Monsanto which grows 3/4ths of the world's transgenic crops.

Today's global agribusiness doesn't grow food for people. It grows it for animals, whose flesh, milk and eggs are then consumed en mass by human society.

The horrendous environmental and health impacts of modern meat production are profound and unsustainable, contributing to widespread world hunger, violent, lustful, low-life reptilian consciousness and the continuation of a "profits over people" lifestyle that can no longer be tolerated nor sustained on our planet.

A major revolution is now occuring reflecting the need for the human species to evolve into higher, lighter, cleaner, more intelligent and environmentally sustainable modes of food production, consumption and living- eating lower on the food chain- so that all may be fed.

The promotion of a largely vegan and vegetarian diet is very much needed worldwide today in order to ween the masses off an unneeded and environmentally harmful meat based diet, especially in the developed nations of the North where the problem is most acute.

The shift to less concentrated, lighter vegetarian diets will eliminate the need to cut down large swaths of the planet's tropical rainforests in order to grow beef. That rainforest needs to remain intact for biodiversity and climatic regulatory reasons. Hence, a prime rationale to shift to plant based foods.

I believe the shift into a largely vegetarian diet is a critical next step in the evolution of human consciousness. I also believe that this particular issue, in and of itself, has the greatest potential to uplift the collective consciousness of the human family and evolve our species into a peaceful, non-violent and highly intelligent planetary civilization.

A diet for a new world is one that ceases consuming animal flesh and instead relies largely on plant, tree and root based foods to supply the nutritional and dietary requirements for optimal health and well being. One thing is for sure, the shift to a largely vegetarian diet will definately lower the violent, aggressive and hyper-competitive tendencies associated with meat eating. Vegetarian diets transform and uplift human consciousness, promote a more peaceful, non-violent existence and radically change the rules of the game for human society. Plant based diets are eco-friendly, good for both the person and the planet. i believe a species shift from meat eating to largely vegetarian diets is the vital key issue that will do the most to evolve, change, transform and Save Our Planet from the largely destructive path we are now on. I say so because consciousness is the defining element of our reality. As we change our consciousness (and a vegetarian diet WILL change one's consciousness), so too, do we change our world. As such, nothing is more important now than changing, salvaging and bringing peace to our world today.

One of the major benefits of a vegetarian diet is that people are able to eat lower on the food chain. We live in a very toxic world. It is common knowledge that our world environment is filled with toxic chemicals. It is known that chemical toxins such as lead, mercury, PCB's, pesticides, dioxins, radioactive isotopes (from nuclear testing) and the like, bio-accumulate their toxicity the further one goes up the food chain. A piece of fish, chicken or beef may have between 10 to 100 to 1000 times more chemical toxicity concentrated in its flesh than say, a head of broccoli, a loaf of wheat bread or a serving of high carbohydrate pasta. This is because it usually takes a tremendous amount of plant material, and water, to produce a pound of beef, for example. As such, toxicity builds up to very lethal levels in more highly concentrated protein foods such as those derived from animal flesh. As a general rule, the lower one eats on the food chain, the lower ones risk of chemical toxicity. Of course, this also translates into better health as well as a lesser chance of contracting cancer, heart disease, stroke and a myriad of other forms of industrial disease.

Recognizing the fact that we have billions of men, women and children today suffering and dying from the effects of hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to suggest that grain currently used to feed cattle needs to be re-directed into feeding people. The growth and consumption of meat-based products, by their very nature, removes the ability of billions worldwide to properly feed and sustain themselves. In this way, meat eating could almost be seen as a crime being perpetrated against the poor. Until we, as a species, learn to honor and respect the rights of all sentient beings (that includes animals as well as people) to be free from the pain and suffering of hunger and deprivation, we remain a species without a conscience as we continue to languish in a level of consciousness that is unable to lift itself up by the bootstraps and maturely pass through the comprehensive global crisis that is now upon us all. Its time to level the playing field and balance out those 1.2 billion people who are overstuffed with those 1.2 billion people who are starved. Its time to shift human civilization from a meat based diet towards one that is vegan and vegetarian based, so that all may enjoy the right to life and the fullness thereof, regardless of race, nationality or social status on this planet.

The slaughter of billions of cattle, chickens, pigs and fish for human consumption must needs be come to an end. Not only is it inhuman and barbarian to slaughter and eat the flesh of animals, it is unnecessary and unhealthy to do so. Human nutritional requirements, especially in the area of protein intake, can be fullfilled in other environmentally friendly ways. With enough intelligence and understanding, fruits, nuts and other planet products can easily provide humans with the core amounts of vitamins, minerals and protein nutrients necessary to live healthy, productive and active lives.

According to John Robbins in his widely acclaimed book, "The Food Revolution: How your diet can help save your life and the world", world meat production has quadrupled in the last 50 years. There are now, on average, more than 20 billion livestock in existence, roughly triple the number of human beings on the Earth today. This production goes to supply the sprawling number of fast food restaurants and mega-chain supermarkets with their quotas of meat consumption and supply. Not only is this practice unnecessary, it is environmentally destructive and consumes vast amounts of resources such as fresh water, whose scarcity is now no longer in question.

As we shift into an emerging Age of Ecology, whose foundations must be under-girded with environmentally sustainable and green-based, ecofriendly ethics and values, it is becoming blatantly obvious that the production and consumption of large amounts of meat must swiftly and expeditiously come to a complete and utter end. Its now time to phase out, decommission and ultimately end the production of animal flesh for human consumption. Its time to take the next step in human evolution.

The transition to a green world will, therefore, be based on the widespread incorporation of localized, sustainable and organic agricultural practices and operations in order to supply the food and nutritional needs of the masses of humanity who now, and will continue, to populate this planet. Petroleum based pesticides and herbicides need to be rapidly phased out as well as we make the shift from a hydrocarbon based economy to an economy based on alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and anti-gravity.

Organic farming techniques inherently protect and preserve the environment on which healthy food production depends. Most big agribusinesses of today do just the opposite. They exploit, run down and destroy the very soil and water resources upon which they depend. Centralized mechanized/monocultrual agricultural production consumes huge amounts of natural capital and non-renewable energy whose harvest today goes disproportionately towards meeting the needs of the meat industry. We need to reverse this trend, outlaw non-sustainable agriculture and put the human enterprise on a path that is vegetarian, organic, sustainable and renewable both for ourselves and in respect for future generations. Sustainable organic agriculture is the only viable alternative and solution to an environmentally destructive and debased corporate oligarchical meat and monocultural based society whose "profit over people" motive no longer serves the best interests of humanity.

Another devolutionary turn in the human food production business has been the advent of the food biotech industry. Genetically modified organisms (GMO's), otherwise known as genetically modified or transgenic food, has unfortunately, wrongly and insidiously, found its way into our diets. GMO food, euphemistically known as "frankenfood"- and rightly so- is food that has been altered or genetically manipulated in some way. It is food that has been grown with the unnatural task of primarily manipulating its color, volume, taste, insect resistance, pesticide production qualities and/or other programmed properties. Whenever you splice insect, rodent, fish, spider, pig or other genes into food to enhance their quality or value in any way, you invariably not only do damage to the strain or species you are manipulating, you similiarily do harm to those who consume these types of hellish products.

Monsanto, Astra-Zeneca, DuPont, Novartis and Aventis, the world's 5 biggest biotech companies, account for most of the world's market for GMO food and seeds. In addition to producing seeds that are rendered sterile after a crop is harvested- known as "terminator" seeds- the Monsanto corporation has also been spiking milk products with genetically altered hormones called rBGH or Posilac, used to fatten up cows. Monsanto's rBGH contains up to 10 times more the amount of IGF-1 (insulin growth factor) than is in normal milk. Higher levels of IGF-1 are suspected of increasing the risks of prostate cancer in men and of breast cancer in women.

The commercialization of GMO/trangenic crops and food have found their way into a large percentage of the corn, soybeans and seed oil used in alot of products the world currently consumes. Some estimates put the amount of GMO corn and corn products in our diet at 90%. 95% of the corn and soybean meal that is fed to livestock in the USA is GMO. That means nearly every meat, poultry, egg or dairy product in the USA contains genetically altered substances.

I contend that the manufacture and promotion of meat-base diets and GMO foods are part of an overall global eugenics operation. I believe the deliberately condoned effects of global climate change, severe incoming global water shortages, the continuation of a failed and imploding hydrocarbon economy, the introduction and use of GMO food and a bloated global war machine, are collectively working together to function as an insidious and evil elitist campaign designed specifically to sterilize, destroy and depopulate a large segment of the human population on this planet. It is precisely this agenda that stands in the way and blocks the development and formation of a global green society.

On one level, the corporate forces of death need to be confronted and exposed for who and what they are. On a more important level, the human species needs to develop, build and break through these impediments with the forces of life and the promotion, support and institution of vegetarianism, sustainable organic agriculture and food products free of GMO ingredients. Jeffrey Smith, author of the books, "Seeds of Deception" and "Genetic Roulette", has recently offered a guide to consumers that identifies GMO food not to buy. This can be found online at: http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com.

In as so far as humanity embraces an ecofriendly, green based, sustainable and vegetarian lifestyle, so too will our collective consciousness as a species be changed. So too will the world be changed. As mentioned previously, I can think of no other factor more important in the struggle to Save our Planet than a large scale species conversion to a largely vegetarian based diet.

This new diet for a new world represents a quantum leap in consciousness for the human species. It is the opportunity to develop and institute alternative, sustainable and earth friendly ways of nourishing our bodies as well as our souls. The era and practice of killing animals and consuming their flesh belongs to the dark age from which it originated. In the coming Age of Ecology, meat eating will be seen as but a sad chapter in the long distance affairs of all things madly human.


1. John Robbins/Diet For a New America

2. Institute For Food and Development Policy

3. North American Vegetarian Society

Saving the Planet- Chapter 9: Global Information Revolution
Chapter 9

"Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan. But if they think Google is too powerful, remember that with search engines
unlike other companies, all it takes is a single click to go to another search engine"

-Sergey Brin (Co-founder of Google)

Global Information Revolution

We are living in one of the most tumultuous and extraordinary times in human history. Call it the Age of Information, the Digital Revolution or the New Global Cyberspace Frontier, humanity is now transiting through an era so profound that it will literally reorganize and redefine our civilization for generations to come.

We are at a point where almost everything associated with the old industrial age is falling into dysfunction and everything associated with the new digital/communications age is booming. Information has become the new currency of the 21st century. Today, global financial transactions are increasingly being carried out electronically with literally trillions of dollars, yen and euros moving through gigantic supercomputer networks on any given day. In addition to the fact that the power and nature of the computer chip is doubling every 18 months (and becoming increasingly miniaturized), the process of information exchange is moving at the speed of light and contributing to a colossal doubling of the global knowledge base every 2 years!

The 1990's saw the mass popularization of the Internet, the world wide web and the first debut of the newly touted 'global electronic village'. Today, the internet is widely recognized as the driving force and focal point of the current communications and information revolution. As of 2001, more than 1/2 of all american households had computers and were online using the internet. E-mail remains the internet's most popular function, with nearly 80% of all internet users reportedly using e-mail.

Using the current global information infrastructure of the internet as its backbone, today's information industry is poised, with its high emphasis on knowledge and information analysis, to take over the traditional industrial production enterprise and become the primary driving economic force for the developed world in the coming years and decades. In addition to the internet, a whole plethora of mobile telecommunications devices are revolutionizing the world's communications capabilities. In 1991, less than 10 million people in the world had access to mobile phones. Today, mobile cell phones are the largest electronics market in the world. According to the CEO of Nokia group, cell-phone users topped 1 billion in 2002, linking up over 15% of the world's population at that time. Today in 2010, the number of cell phone subscribers has been estimated to be at over 4 billion, roughly 60% of the world's current population. The number of internet users, by way of comparison, as of 2010, now stands at roughly 2 billion, approximately 30% of the world's population.

The mobile wireless digital communications explosion is similiarily fueling the multi-use/multi-media technology industry, where we are beginning to see computer terminals function as a TV, video-telephone, stereo-radio console, DVD player and internet access portal all in one. Already, with the advent of the I-phone, we see telephone capability complimented with internet, e-mail, GPS and text messaging applications. All of these communications technologies are enhanced by way of real time digital uplinks to orbiting constellations of satellite networks in space.

On December 21, 2001, the United Nations adopted a resolution forming the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The World Summit was held in Geneva, Switzerland in 2003, in Tunis, Tunisia in 2005 and again in Switzerland in 2010. This summit aims to bring together representatives from the highest levels of government, the private corporate sector, international media, civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). It offers a unique opportunity for the world community to discuss and give shape to the emerging global information society. Proposed themes include bridging the digital divide, meeting the information needs of the developing world and achieving universal and equitable access for all to the global information superhighway.

Analogous to the agricultural and industrial revolutions, the digital revolution marked the beginning of the age of information. The digital revolution converted technology that was previously analog into digital format (1's and 0's). This ultimately led to the inspiration and creation of the world wide web, commonly referred to today as the internet. By 1996, the internet had become mainstream. By 1999, nearly every country on Earth had a connection, and by 2000, the digital internet revolution began to spread to the rest of the world's masses. Central to the explosion of the global digital/information revolution has been the micro-processing chip, which has enabled computer technology to be embedded not only in personal computers, laptops and netbooks, but also in such devices as digital cameras and personal music players such as the I-pod.

Equally important in this revolution has been the development of digital transmission technologies including computer networking, such as with teleconferencing, and with online digital broadcasting mediums such as you tube, online movies, surveillance cameras and web cams.

One major issue that has opened up in the global information revolution we are now fully in the middle of has been the concern over personal privacy. In the USA, this has translated into massive and pervasive violations of American's 4th amendment right to be free from illegal government searches and surveillance. The ability of computer databases to store, utilize and retrieve such large amounts of diverse data has opened up unprecedented opportunities by private and governmental institutions and agencies to track, monitor and control citizen's interests and activities.

What is emerging is an orwellian technotronic police state with an ubiquitous array of spy and surveillance cameras and the ability to conduct warrantless wiretapping of phone and e-mail communications as well as compile life histories on every citizen detailing their purchase history, psychological profile and potential threat assessment.

On the positive side, though, the internet has opened up whole avenues for information and communications sharing and exchange. The internet, has, in effect, become the new "global brain" of human civilization. The entire knowledge base of the world's past, present and future (projected), can now be accessed by our very fingertips! This, in and of itself, represents an incredible evolutionary leap in human organization, information access and ultimately, a quantum leap in our ability to evolve in human consciousness.

As well, the ability to easily and rapidly- at the speed of light- access, research and share information, has opened up a whole new level of global free speech. Every person on Earth has now been given the ability to publish their views on any topic to a global audience.

Although the digital revolution has ushered in a new age of mass surveillance, generating a whole plethora of new civil, privacy and human rights concerns, it has also made it possible for any individual to access, store and track an unlimited amount of facts, articles, statistics and trends.

Newsweek magazine in 2010 came out with a back story titled, "Exactly how much are the times changing?". Here are some of the statistics they listed:

1. The number of active blogs increased from 12,000 in 2000 to 141 million in 2010.

2. Daily google searches increased from 100 million in 2000 to 2 billion in 2010.

3. Video game revenues increased from $7.98 billion in 2000 to $19.66 billion in 2010.

4. The number of books published in 2000 was 282,242. In 2010, that number rose to 1,052,803.

5. The number of daily letters mailed decreased from 207 billion in 2000 to 175 billion in 2010.

6. The number of text messages sent in 2000 was 400,000. By 2010, that number exploded to 4.5 billion.

7. Hard drive storage prices fell from $10 a gigabyte in 2000 to $.06 cents a gigabyte in 2010.

8. The amount of time spent online went from 2.7 hours a week in 2000 to a total of 18.3 hours a week in 2010.

9. CD sales revenues went down from nearly $1 billion in 2000 to $427 million in 2010.

10. The number of I-tunes downloads went from 0 in 2000 to a staggering 10 billion in 2010.

These figures and others clearly exemplify that humanity is at the very heart of a global information/digital revolution as never before witnessed in all of human history. In scope and in magnitude, this phenomenon is transforming the very fabric of human evolution and civilization.

The complex web of the emerging global information grid will no doubt undergo continual exponential growth in the coming years and decades. Both Heidi and Alvin Toffler in their book, "The Third Wave", have mapped out the evolution of society in 3 progressive waves- the agrarian/agricultural, the industrial and the information stages. These transitions, in turn, revolutionized each progressive stage of human evolution. As we ride the crest of the 3rd wave (the information age), we will witness a synthesis of knowledge and information that can only be realized and acknowledged as a new renaissance in human society. This is already occuring with the rapid rise of internet online shopping, the instantaneous transfers of daily economic financial transactions and with the increasingly interconnected digital electronic information grid that is serving us in so many other disparate and tangential ways today.

The sweeping changes brought about by the exploding information revolution is sending shock waves throughout the entire world society, transforming virtually every facet of every field of endeavor.

Although envisioned to bring about revolutionary third wave transformation in the areas of biotechnology, nanotechnology and military warfighting affairs, the real power and scope of this historical transition will be in the areas of increased levels of human intelligence, knowledge, wisdom and consciousness within the human family and throughout human society in general. Heightened political, social, cultural and environmental awareness amongst the populace will bring true security to people and nations in the future, not advanced space-age informational and technological war fighting capabilities as is currently envisioned by the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex.

The global information revolution must serve the interests of building and maintaining a global green society, not a military version of some future holocaust threat in the making.

The dawn of a third wave society has brought us to the point where information has become the dominant medium of exchange that drives the global economy. Information can serve the forces of death and destruction through the implimentation and execution of global eugenics operations or it can serve the forces of life in helping us to build a global green economy for the 21st century. The choice is ours. We cannot and will not Save Our Planet if we continue to use the benefits of our information technology and infrastructure to destroy it. Cybersecurity commands, infowars and global electronic eavesdropping performed by such agencies as the US National Security Agency (NSA), have absolutely no place in a world that is to survive and prosper in the 21st century.

Building and maintaining a green world order for the future requires that humanity use its knowledge, information, technological expertise and infrastructure to construct a civilization based on the principles of sustainability, environmental stewardship, renewable energy, non-violent and non-meat based behavior and diets, alternative modes of transportation mobility and green lifestyles that honor and respect the dignity and right of all life on Earth to a decent standard of existence.

Access to the world's database of comprehensive and accumulative stores of knowledge and information- through the internet- will help educate and evolve the sum of our global consciousness and give us the tools necessary for us to build a prosperous, just, equitable, highly advanced and survivable world civilization for our future.

The global information age, therefore, is a double edged sword. Technology can be used to enslave or to liberate mankind. Information can be used by our basest lower instincts to kill, manipulate and control a population, as we unfortunately see happening today with the move to instigate a global Big Brother stalinist-style fascist police state, or it can serve our highest dreams and aspirations as a species and evoke us to evolve, advance and mature into a global eco-based green civilization that protects and defends the very environment from which it arose and depends. From there, only the stars themselves are the limit...

Let us therefore use our technological brilliance and information/knowledge based society to solve the growing array of global environmental problems that now beset us as a species. There are immediate technological and informational applications and incentives out there that will help us move beyond the threats of global climate change, world water shortages, overpopulation pressures and deforestation/desertification problems.

The internet has shrunk the world literally into a small village. With the click of a mouse or the tap of a keystroke, we can send and access huge volumes of selected and accrued amounts of knowledge and information that will help us all in our collective battle to Save Our Planet. With a greater proliferation of terminals and faster connections, we can ensure that all the world's people have direct access to the "global brain".

Special emphasis in any discussion of the global information age must be given to the status, nature and mission of the global media. That includes television, radio, movies and, of course, the internet. This discussion is particularily imperative in lieu of the global population explosion crisis and how the human enterprise can collectively get this current human demographics problem under control.

I believe the global media has both an obligation and a responsibility to educate and inform the public on this most critical issue. As stated previously, the global population crisis is the root cause of many of the global environmental problems we face today. Fortunately, the digital media revolution has given humanity the means of reaching deeply into the hearts and minds of human civilization and human consciousness on the planet today- with a few exceptions.

Coupled with a mandatory and concerted one child per family global demographics population policy, the human enterprise can learn to use the tremendous outreach capabilities of the global media to not only disseminate knowledge and information on the world population crisis, but help provide workable solutions and family planning strategies to get this particular world crisis immediately under control. The global media must use its medium as a tool of planetary salvation and survival, not waste its talent, time and energy strictly on entertainment, distraction, fluff and disinformation as is currently the case today.

The formation of a global green world order to help solve issues such as overpopulation, requires the cooperation and assistance of the global media, its that simple. The global information revolution has provided humanity with the technology, outreach and means through which we can learn to save our civilization and planet from near certain destruction. All it takes is the willingness and skill necessary to harness this incredible gift for the benefit and well-being of all life on Earth. As it is our supreme responsibility and obligation to be good stewards of God's creation, so to is it our supreme honor to secure the livelihood and right of future generations to live their lives on a cleaner, planet than the one we now currently enjoy.

As with the global information revolution, so too, can we have a revolution in human consciousness and compassion, now absolutely required of us if we are to pass through and survive the comprehensive, all-encompassing world crisis that currently threatens us all today with literal extinction.


1. Wikipedia/Information Revolution

2. National Intelligence Council/Global Information Revolution

3. UN World Summit on the Information Society

Saving the Planet- Chapter 10: International Sustainable Development
Chapter 10

"Fundamentally, sustainable development is a notion of discipline. It means humanity must ensure that meeting present needs does not
compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs"

- Gro Harlem Brundtland

International Sustainable Development

International global sustainable development is the wave of the future.

Sustainable organic agriculture, alternative energy (solar, wind, and anti-gravity), vegetarianism, appropriate technology, reforestation, recycling, water conservation, alternative transportation, ecological waste management, common international security, global population control, green values and ethics, voluntary simplicity, economic decentralization, the sharing of wealth and resources etc...are all the leading indicators of a movement that will evolve our world beyond the current dysfunctional, unjust, erratic and highly destructive system we now have and move us towards one that is sane, advanced, transformed and viably sustainable, as well as environmentally friendly, for the 21st century.

At issue now are the global survival prospects for human civilization on Earth and how best to meet the rapidly growing material and spiritual needs of humanity, as well as ensure the overall advancement of mankind in terms of base survival, fullfillment and prosperity for all people (and life) on Earth in the coming years and decades.

International sustainable development is, in a nutshell, economic and social development that properly meets the needs of the current generation without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Contrary to our present developmental system that exploits and destroys for short-term interest, profit and gain (usually at the expense of the environment and others), sustainable development focuses on the long-term, on equilibrium, balance, nuturance, common sense, maturity and harmony with nature. It is a system that survives and one in which we will have no choice but to adapt in full in the very near future.

Moving our society towards global sustainable development patterns will require broad based education, confrontation with traditional corporate and governmental structures and support for alternative ideas, projects and businesses that are at the forefront of re-defining and re-inventing our world.

International sustainable development and concern for the global environment can no longer be considered a single side issue, it is becoming, in fact, the central organizing and defining element of our lives in the 21st century. How we build, develop, maintain and sustain our system of wealth creation, housing, food production, water and resource consumption, transportation and energy use, waste management and security needs in our communities, towns and cities, will determine the fate and degree of our collective survival and continuity as a species at this most critical juncture in human history.

The term "sustainable development" has been around for a long time, but really got its international mainstream boost with the advent of the annual Earth Summit that began back in the 1970's. The very organization responsible for sponsoring the annual Earth Summit, which happen every 10 years or so in various countries of the world, is in fact today, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The Earth Summit's primary objective is, obviously, to create an institutional framework for international sustainable development. The Earth Summit of 2002, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, was entitled, "The World Summit on Sustainable Development".

Apparently, the two main governing institutions on sustainable development at the global level are the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Commission on Sustainable Development, the later of which was created in 1992 at the first "Rio" Earth Summit held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. A second Rio Summit- dubbed Rio +20- will be held again in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. More will inevitably follow in the years and decades ahead until the prime directives of international sustainable development are met and instituted throughout the world.

Sustainable development goes to the heart of tackling many of the world's interrelated crises such as war, poverty, hunger and environmental degradation. Traditional economic development is coupled with the term 'ecological' or 'environmental' development and becomes "eco-development", which, in theory, proposes a form of development that is earth-friendly, carbon neutral, equitable, just, fair and, of course, sustainable for society in the long run.

A large part of humanity around the globe still do not have access to the basic necessities of life. The aim of sustainable development is to bridge these gaps in a way that does not threaten the long term viability and health of the planet's life giving environmental ecosystems. That includes protecting and conserving the air, water, soil in any particular area so that it can continue to produce the needed resources necessary for any community to exist ad infinitum.

NGO's, or non-governmental organizations, will continue to play a vital role in complimenting where governments cannot or will not cover, tread or enter. As such, NGO's are continuing to pop up due to systematic failures in the international arena of politics, economics, environmental protection and the assurance of basic human rights. Securing the rights of indigenous peoples, the protection of marine mammals, the promotion of solar energy, corporate social responsibility, the reduction of global greenhouse gases and the advocacy of reforestation and sustainable forestry practices are just some of the major themes promoted by NGO's across the globe.

In 1970, the developed nations of the rich north agreed to give 0.7% of their gross national income as international development aid to the poor in the developing nations of the south. Since that time, billions of dollars have been given, but rarely have the rich nations actually met their promised targets. The USA is often the largest donor in national terms, but ranks amongst the lowest in terms of meeting the official 0.7% target. A major criticism in the donor program has been the fact that aid does not actually reach the poorest people in any given nation who need it the most. Often money is embezzled by corrupt government officials and ends up in swiss-type bank accounts scattered throughout the globe. Another criticism has been that development aid has being used by recipient countries to grow and harvest cash crops (coffee, beef, cocoa etc...) for the markets and needs of the rich donor nations.

A Millennium Declaration was adopted by all UN member states in 2000. In the millennium development goals, the aim was to halve poverty and world hunger by 2015. Needless to say, we are woefully behind in meeting these goals as a civilization. In fact, if anything, poverty and world hunger is drastically on the increase worldwide in 2010. The USA, in particular, has done the most to water down and destroy this declaration and its goals, rendering itself as the chief perpetrator of hunger, starvation, disease, misery, malnutrition and preventable deaths throughout the world.

The United Nations, by far, is the largest international body involved in sustainable development issues and programs on the planet. Unfortunately, the body is negatively affected by the countervailing political and economic forces of the rich powerful northern nations who wish only to advance their own interests and agendas at the expense of everyone and everything else.

As a result, poverty remains the reality for the majority of the world's peoples and nations throughout the world. Fortunately though, the masses of humanity, thanks to mediums such as the internet, are beginning to educate and inform themselves and others about issues such as biodiversity loss, global climatic change, deforestation and desertification threats, the specter of overpopulation, the threat of GMO foods, impending water shortages and the need for free, non-polluting, renewable energy alternatives.

When the UN Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to met their own needs, it also tried to define what an economy in equilibrium with the basic ecological life support systems of the planet might look like. A UN world summit document released in 2005 refers to the "interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars" of sustainable development as economic development, social development and environmental protection. Another landmark document entitled, "Agenda 21" identified information, integration and participation as key building blocks that serve these interdependent pillars. Agenda 21 urged new approaches to international development, especially in regards to the integration of social and environmental factors. All things equal, this would translate into the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and social equity in human developmental affairs, rarely seen today, but growing nonetheless.

Global eugenics policies aside, the path to a global green revolution and the institutionalization of a green world order for mankind in this age of ecology does, in fact, mirror the vision and prerogatives of these UN documents and conferences. Economic, environmental and social factors together form a tripartite sustainable development matrix through which the human enterprise can advance and evolve. With the assistance and support of thousands of NGO's and other independent social and environmental groups and organizations across the globe, we can make international sustainable development not an exception, but an integral and foundational cornerstone of human and societal development.

Current global eugenics policies fund and promote the exact opposite of what true international sustainable development could achieve for our species. Nations, institutions, corporations and policies that defund and destroy agendas such as outlined in the millennium development goals of the Millennium Declaration to halve world poverty and hunger by 2015, have no place in a world that is to survive and prosper on into the 21st century.

As noted, international sustainable development goals and objectives, unfortunately, remain largely unfunded today. As a result, roughly 40 million men, women and children needlessly and ruthlessly perish on our planet annually. Environmental destruction on all levels, from global carbon emissions to the rapid clear-cutting of our forest lands, to the overfishing of our oceans, continues on, largely unabated. Social chaos, conflict and war vectors escalate while trillions of dollars continue to fund the global war machine. Such policies and priorities geared towards dehumanizing and depopulating the human species, while destroying the global environmental resource base and fomenting chaos, war, death and destruction, are, in essence, the very antithesis of the spirit, practice and life giving objectives and policiies of green based sustainable developmental goals.

If forests are cut down, for example, they cannot maintain biodiversity, regulate water flow or absorb CO2. Sustainable forestry practices provides for these amenities, nourishing life, not destroying it. On a planet where 20% of the population consumes nearly 80% of the planet's natural resources, sustainable development for this 20% is threatening, to say the least. However, the implementation of sustainable developmental goals are what is exactly required of us if the human family is to collectively survive and successful transit through the most life-threatening planetary crisis our species has ever experienced.

The swift implementation of sustainable developmental goals, both in the developed and developing nations, will ultimately represent a shift into a green world order, of this there is no doubt. It will supersede the need for weapons and warfare and a US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex completely out of control. It will represent a transition to a free energy based economy, the global conservation and protection of water, forest, air, soil and land resources, a one child per family population policy designed to scale back the overpopulation crisis, a carbon neutral footprint for every man, woman and child on Earth, and, most importantly, the opportunity to secure a healthy and vibrant lifestyle both for ourselves and for future generations yet to come.

We cannot and must not continue to languish in dystopia when we have the technology, networking tools and foresight to secure the common human and ecological utopia we require if we are survive as a species. I believe we have the intelligence, vision and evolutionary mandate to learn to manage our planet properly. All peoples in all nations have a right to adequate food, shelter and clothing. The UN declaration of human rights- a magnificent document- ensures and codifies these rights for all mankind. With 7 billion people (as of 2010) and a rapidly deteriorating environment, now is the time to work diligently to secure these rights for all people now living on the planet. This can be done with an immediate distribution of wealth, education and knowledge to the world's masses. Secondly, a revolution of collective consciousness needs to form around the mandate to rapidly shift down into a sustainable world civilization of between 2-3 billion people. Thirdly, this transition must be fully in place and operational by 2020 at the very latest.

Unsustainable international development is today responsible for the greatest holocaust of human beings on the planet. As mentioned previously, up to 40 million innocent men, women and children perish annually from hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition. This is the equivalent of over 6 jewish holocausts occuring every year. This number is also quantitatively greater than those killed outright in any number of given wars since the 20th century. The so-called US 'War in Iraq', as horrible and as genocidal as it has been since 2003, has killed only a few million people by comparison. As devolved as the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex is, it is the international corporate economic complex ruled by an international banking cartel based primarily in New York and London, who are responsible for the REAL genocide occuring on our planet today. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) are some of the economic control levers the global banking elite use to enforce their eugenics agenda. These institutions, among others, carry out and institute policies of exploitation, debt and unsustainable development patterns responsible for the large numbers of deaths that we witness in the developing world.

Yet, even this horrific number has the potential of being trumped by planned future eugenics operations. A global thermonuclear war could take out between 2-3 billion, minimum. Global climate change, if left to spiral out of control, will take out billions more through elevated levels of hunger, malnutrition, starvation, famine and pestilence.

The specter and promise of international sustainable development is that it has the potential to eternally shatter this current paradigm of purposeful death and instead put humanity on a path of life, nuturance and species survival. Ultimately, it represents a change of heart, an evolution of consciousness and intelligence and a quantum advancement of the human condition on Earth.


1. Agenda 21/UN Division for Sustainable Development

2. World Resources Institute

3. United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development/Earth Summit

Saving The Planet- Chapter 11: The Green World Order
Chapter 11

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you... while cares will drop off like autumn leaves"

-John Muir

The Green World Order

Its crunch time for planet earth. Every imaginable indicator is completely off the scale. Human civilization and a green based world government is not only inevitable but absolutely necessary for planetary and species survival on into the 21st century. A green world order means a sustainable planetary civilization. It means honoring and respecting the environmental ecology and life-giving nurturance that our biosphere provides for us to live on this earth. That means not destroying, exploiting and permanently fowling our nest. It means a radical change in the way humanity grows food, builds and occupies buildings and transports itself from place to place. Fundamentally, it requires a complete and utter evolution in our way of thinking about our place in nature.

To highlight the multifaceted/multidimensional crisis that is now upon us:

1. World population is completely out of control. Human civilization is now at 7 billion (as of 2010). The earth cannot sustain nor does it have the "carrying capacity" to provide a decent standard of living for this many people. Sustainability figures range from 2-3 billion, tops.
2. Global environmental destruction on many fronts: the chief of which is global climate change. This single issue alone will determine whether or not humanity will survive the 21st century. Truely, it is a planetary emergency brought about by our dependence and burning of fossil fuels.
3. The global water crisis is similiarily a defining issue that will determine who lives and who dies in the immediate years and decades ahead. Already, massive water deficits and shortages are endemic throughout the world, compounded only more so by growing population numbers and global climatic drought conditions in many countries.
4. Weapons of mass destruction are currently still held by many nations across the globe. As social, environmental and demographic stresses increase, so does the threat that these horrible weapons will be unleashed upon the cities and peoples of the world. Currently, there are more than 50,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert in our world.
5. World hunger, starvation, famine, disease and malnutrition takes the lives of more than 40 million innocent men, women and children across our planet annually. This figure accounts for a level of human death equivalent to more than 6 jewish holocausts occuring every year. By far, this is the greatest human holocaust to ever have occured in all of human history. This has got to stop, immediately.

Yet, despite the collective world crisis that is now upon us, there is now the global opportunity to create a new green world order. All of the forementioned crises and problems can be solved forever by building a green sustainable world civilization. That means a number of things. Some of which include, replacing fossil fuels with alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, anti-gravity, geothermal, tidal and biomass and conserving what fossil fuels we have left, using them primarily for the transition to a free energy society. Furthermore, this also includes constructing massive arrays of solar photovoltaic panels and wind farms in windy areas to provide electricity for a growing fleet of electric vehicles and electric run homes and businesses. The introduction of anti-gravity propulsion in and of itself will revolutionize nearly every facet of society, lifting all boats and providing limitless free energy for all, eliminating our current energy scarcity paradigm.

With artificial energy scarcity removed, hydrocarbon pollution and international conflict to acquire fossil fuels will end, eliminating the need for weapons of mass destruction. With a higher standard of living thereby available for all, the elimination of poverty, disease, overpopulation and deprivation can quickly become a reality. Environmental sustainability and respect for the livelihood of future generations can become one of the central organizing principles of an evolved and advanced world civilization. Water, food, soil and air conservation and the sustainable use of these precious resources can also become a reality as we learn to apply the proper stewardship skills that will be necessary for our continued survival on this planet.

A green world order will recycle, conserve and intelligently use what finite natural resources we have been endowed with on our planet. One of the primary goals will be to minimally and sustainably provide all the comforts, needs and living necessities to all members of the human family. We must, therefore, aim for a complete end of suffering and depravation within all levels of society. It will mean educating humanity with established principles of environmental management and a learned respect for the sacredness of all life on Earth, not just human. Organic farming will replace fossil fuel agriculture. Cities of more than 100,000 residents will become a thing of the past as regional "carrying capacity" limits are achieved in site specific areas throughout the nations. Family planning- a one child per family policy- will stabilize world population figures to sustainable levels. Free and decentralized energy sources will liberate humanity from many facets of scarcity and toil. Limitless transportation modes will eliminate the need for urban sprawl and the desperate acquisition of property, food, resources and comfort at the expense of the commons and the deprived.

All of the forementioned issues point to a grand solution to the multifaceted, multidimensional world crisis that is now upon us. That is, the coalescence and rapid formation of a new green world order for the human enterprise.

According to right wing debunkers of global climate change, the United Nations will create a new green world order by 2012. The architecture for a system of global governance will emerge funded by a massive $45 trillion dollar transfer of wealth from the rich countries of the north. The Rio +20 Earth Summit to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2012 is slated to produce a focused political document that will lay out the framework for a green world order, seeking to radically and fundamentally change the current social and economic order. The old economic order will be jettisoned as a new global green economy is ushered in. Central to this global shift will be the creation of millions of green jobs and a "re-booting" of society oriented towards entering the Age of Ecology and a new environmental era for mankind.

The upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2012 marks the end of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement limiting only a small percentage of global greenhouse gases. It is all but certain that some new global greenhouse gas emission pact will be agreed upon at Rio +20. What form it will take will depend on how rapidly the shift from the current 'brown' economy to the new 'green' economy will be. Even now, new investments are pouring in to reconfigure businesses, infrastructure and institutions for the adoption of sustainable production and consumption of resources. This will lead to the creation of green jobs, reduced energy use, less waste and pollution and a significant drop in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Inherent in this massive $45 trillion dollar transfer of wealth will be the restructuring of the economic infrastructure of both the rich and poor nations. High priority will be given to replacing conventional technologies with low-carbon, environmentally sound alternatives, such as with the shift to an electric car/solar photovoltaic home recharge grid. Another goal will be to pay people and governments to maintain and expand forests, wetlands, coral reefs and other productive sources of natural capital which the current economic development paradigm thoroughly abuses.

The real objective, though, will be to change current consumption patterns which are unsustainable and damaging to the global environment. The intent will be to reduce the consumption of wasteful products and transit into a more ecologically based mode of sustainable living, such as with organic food and farming practices. This will help create a global market for environmental products and services which is expected to double from $1.37 trillion dollars to 2.74 trillion dollars by 2020.

In social terms, one of the most important transformations will be the shift into a global green jobs based world economy. Already in the USA, millions are employed in the recycling industry. Tens of millions of new jobs could be created to bolster sustainable forest management and plant billions of new trees throughout the world, helping to cancel out deforestation rates, limit desertification damage and increase the carbon sink quota for the mitigation of CO2 emissions.

Focus on the ecological transformation of society must become comprehensive and all-encompassing as we enter the Age of Ecology. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), making links between environmental sustainability and market opportunities will be a key factor for public policymakers and private entrepreneurs as we make this historic shift into a global green economy. In other words, the new green economy requires both an evolution in human consciousness and a revolution in the political economy of nation states. UNEP further states that current environmental challenges and opportunities will cause the environment to move to the center of all economic and political decision making where it rightly should be. This will provide a new nexis for a new eco-centric worldview and value system that will help strengthen both the national and international decision makers in their drive to shift into a new green world order.

International environmental governance is sure to remain a major prominent theme of all upcoming Earth Summits in the future, as it has been for all those in the past. The upcoming Rio +20 summit is sure to continue to create the framework for such international governance. Along with UNEP's global environmental agenda, a more broad-based UN anti-poverty agenda hopes to fuse with the general campaign to institutionalize international sustainable development goals and help eradicate poverty, change unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, and protect and manage the global environment. Vast international wealth transfers, crash investments in green technologies for food, energy and transportation alternatives and an overall reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions are some of the hallmarks of this global green revolution now sweeping the planet.

A new binding global climate change agreement at the 2012 Earth Summit hopefully will become one of the crowning achievements and defining moments of mankind's move to protect and defend his planet and his future. In the race to Save the Planet, a global climate change agreement is sure to become the backbone of an emerging green-based civilization.

The global environmental movement has been described as the largest and most influential social phenomenon of modern times. It has spawned thousands of organizations and claims millions of committed activists.

The looming threat of global ecological catastrophe and ensuing civilizational collapse is rapidly uniting the world through a whole plethora of international agreements and treaties. According to the Club of Rome, who authored a book entitled, "The First Global Revolution", we are facing an imminent catastrophic ecological collapse. Our only hope is to transform humanity into a global interdependent sustainable society based on respect and reverence for the Earth. The Club of Rome is comprised of a group of world citizens sharing a common concern for the future of humanity. Below is a list of some of their most prominent members:

-Al Gore, former Vice President of the USA and a leading climate change activist.
-Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union.
-Maurice Strong, General Secretary of the Rio Earth Summit and former head of UNEP.
-Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union and founder of Green Cross International.
-Diego Hidalgo, founder and President of the European Council on Foreign Relations.
-Ervin Laszlo, founder and chairman of the Club of Budapest and the World Wisdom Council.
-Anne Ehrlich, wife of Paul Ehrlich, co-author of many books on overpopulation and the former Director of the Sierra Club.
-Hassan bin Halal, President of the Club of Rome and founder of the World Future Council.
-Sir Crispin Tickell, chairman of the Climate Institute.
-Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations.
-Gro Harlam Brundtland, former President of Norway.
-Robert Muller, Chancellor of the University of Peace.
-The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet.
-David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission.
-Stephen Schneider, Stanford professor of Biology and Global Change and leading climate change campaigner.
-Bill Clinton, former President of the USA.
-Jimmy Carter, former President of the USA.
-Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.
-Ted Turner, founder of CNN and philanthropist.
-George Soros, multi-billionare.
-Tony Blair, former UK Prime Minister.
-Deepak Chopra, New Age Guru, author of many books.
-Desmund Tutu, South African Bishop, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
-Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State.
-Barbara Marx Hubbard, author and founder of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.
-Marianne Williamson, New Age spiritual activist.
-Jane Goodall, primatologist and evolutionary biologist.
-Edward Shevardnadze, former Soviet Foreign Minister and President of Georgia.
-Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic.
-Jacques Delores, former President of the European Commission.
-Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and founder of the Green Belt Movement.

This is a partial list along with many other prominent international leaders and activists, who are leading the charge to implement a new green world order on earth for mankind.

In the light of current global eugenics policies to continue to cull the masses and destroy the lives of millions (and billions more in the future), it should be more than apparent to anyone that the values inculcated and expressed in working to Save Our Planet are completely incompatable with the values dedicated to destroying life with depopulation campaigns. In fact, the establishment of a green world order on Earth will not succeed until values of nurturance, compassion, stewardship and sustainability triumph over those obsessed with magnitudes and means of death and destruction. Again, this is a colossal battle between the forces of darkness and light, between the lower and higher levels of consciousness, intelligence and evolutionary destiny.

A green world order built on a strong foundation of peace, liberty, freedom and enlightenment will be one that prospers and survives the 21st century, otherwise it will surely perish. Humanity does not have to go down the black hole of self-annihilation. Another world is possible. All life is precious and must be honored and respected for what it is, especially in regards to securing the survival, continuity and long term sustainability needs of the human species and the planet.

Securing a new green world order for mankind on Earth in the 21st century is no longer an option, it is an absolute mandate for species survival in this current world crisis. Mankind today posseses the most powerful combination of knowledge, tools and resources the world has ever seen. We have all we need to build a new form of human society, one that could be built to last for generations to come. The transition must be from one of growth to one of global equilibrium. An overriding priority must be to avert the impending risk of catastrophic climate change. As well, global population levels need to be brought down to sustainable levels as soon as humanly possible. And, as modern industrial civilization is vastly outstripping Earth's natural regenerative capacity, we must permanently abandon the ethos of materialistic overconsumption and embrace, instead, the emerging ecological paradigm of sustainability, planetary stewardship and green-based value systems.

A radical change from the current trajectory is now required. Nothing short of a complete restructuring of society and a total remaking of our world will suffice. Everything can be achieved with the great shift to a green planetary civilization and a green world order. Let us therefore enter into an advanced planetary civilization, there is absolutely no time to waste.


1. Greenpeace International

2. Green Festivals USA

3. Club of Rome/The First Global Revolution

Saving the Planet- Chapter 12: Saving the Planet
Chapter 12

"Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water.
Don't sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet"

-Carl Sagan

Saving the Planet

At the dawn of the 21st century, human civilization now stands on the brink of its own self-destruction and probable extinction, systematically failing to come to grips with the absolute scale and horror of the ongoing ecological degradation and destruction of the planet's biosphere and how this will affect the future well-being of the human enterprise.

The battle to save the planet requires first and foremost the immediate termination of a bloated annual $1.5 trillion dollar global military budget. Funds instead must be immediately re-directed towards building an environmentally sustainable global economy which will revolutionize every facet of human existence.

The United States of America, a flagrant violator of human rights and international law, assumes direct responsibility for consistently working against the very people, institutions and nations of the world who are at the forefront of implementing desperately needed global change.

Second, the current human population explosion on Earth- 7 billion and counting, as of 2010- must be brought under control immediately. World population pressure is the prime force behind every level of social and environmental destruction we are witnessing on our planet today; increased hydrocarbon emissions, water scarcity, deforestation, desertification, topsoil loss, ozone depletion, species loss, urban sprawl, ocean pollution, global warming, poverty, disease, pestilence, famine, war etc... To compound the problem, masses of desperate people are given no choice but to consume the very resource bases on which they depend, further eroding the means by which sustainable planetary livelihoods can function and operate properly and sufficiently.

Third, the effort to create an international sustainable society is more like mobilizing and preparing for war against the worldviews, policies, interests and ideologies of corporations, industries and governments alike. Time itself is the scarcest resource there is in the struggle to Save the Planet. In addition to axing the global military budget and confronting the global population explosion, waking up to the dimensions of the world's environmental crises as well as implementing the necessary solutions are absolutely paramount.

Starting with the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972, to the Rio Summit held in Brazil in 1992, to the 2002 Johannesburg Earth Summit in South Africa to the 2012 Earth Conference held again in Brazil, all efforts must now be made to establish and institutionalize decentralized energy independence through free energy sources such as solar, wind and anti-gravity. We must enact sustainable, organic, vegetarian values and agricultural practices, develop alternative independent non-polluting transportation modes, enforce sustainable water and soil use practices, mandate finite resource recycling, proliferate global information exchange largely through the expansion of the internet, and institutionalize, as well as legitimize, green businesses throughout the world who are creating sustainable alternatives and solutions to the highly exploitative, largely failing, unsustainable and environmentally damaging world economic system that we now have.

On these 3 pillars; global demilitarization, global population control and the building of an environmentally sustainable global economy, can the planet be saved. Mankind must begin to move away from just responding to global disasters and instead move towards shaping and building an ecologically healthy and sustainable- as well as survivable- advanced world civilization for the 21st century. The environment, on which we all depend, will move to the center of all social, economic and political decision-making, where it belongs.

From this earth base, the human enterprise, with proper vision, management, courage, care, compassion, justice and intelligence can move victoriously through the most tumultuous crisis in its entire history and evolve into a truly advanced civilization amidst the cosmos.

In 1992, some 1700 of the world's leading scientists, including the majority of the Nobel laureates in the sciences, issued an appeal entitled, "The World's Warning to Humanity". In this document, scientists summarized that human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. No more than one or two decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity severely diminished. The scientists warned that a very great danger lies ahead and that a change in the stewardship of our planet is urgently required if human misery on a vast scale is to be avoided.

The scientists outlined ozone depletion, growing water scarcity, oceanic pressures, soil productivity loss, deforestation, biodiversity loss, global warming, population growth, increased poverty and other threats to the global environment in their document. The greatest peril is to become trapped in spirals of environmental decline, poverty and unrest leading to social, economic and environmental collapse. Success in this global endeavor to Save Our Planet will require a great reduction in violence and war. According to the document, a new ethic is required, a new attitude towards caring for ourselves and all other life on the planet. We must recognize the Earth is limited in its capacity to provide for us. We must acknowledge its fragility. Fundamental changes are urgently required if we are to avoid the collision our present course will bring about.

Although the World's Scientists Warning to Humanity was issued in 1992, its impact, message and dire warning is all the more relevant today for a world system that really hasn't changed course all that much since then. Business as usual has plunged us deeper into the planetary peril we are all now confronting.

The systematic failure of human consciousness and human society to come to grips with the absolute horror, death and destruction that is coming upon this planet if we do not change our ways is almost beyond comprehension, yet it exists nonetheless.

At the forefront of the desperately needed change and transformation of our current, highly dysfunctional world economic system is the World Social Forum. Based in Brazil, the World Social Forum serves as a kind of counterforce to the 'business as usual' hyper-capitalist World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland every year.

The World Social Forum defines itself as being pluralistic, diverse, non-governmental and non-partisan. Its aim is to build an alternative to the prevailing model of global economic expolitation. Referred to as the global justice movement, the World Social Forum hopes to promote alternative answers to the world's growing economic, environmental and social problems. Below is a listing of World Social Forums held since 2000:

-1st Annual World Social Forum: January 2001, held in Porte Alegre, Brazil.
-2nd Annual World Social Forum: February, 2002, held again in Porte Alegre, Brazil.
-3rd Annual World Social Forum: January, 2003, again held in Porte Alegre, Brazil.
-4th Annual World Social Forum: January, 2004, held in Mumbai, India.
-5th Annual World Social Forum: January 2005, held in Porte Alegre, Brazil.
-6th Annual World Social Forum: Simultaneously held in Caracas, Venezuela, Nairobi, Kenya and Karachi, Pakistan in 2006.
-7th Annual World Social Forum: held in Nairobi, Kenya in 2007.
-8th Annual World Social Forum: was not organized at any particular location but was held in many locations around the globe under the banner of a "Global Call to Action" in 2008.
-9th Annual World Social Forum: held in Brazil in the Amazon rainforest between January and February, 2009.
-10th Annual World Social Forum: did not have a centralized location, but did have an event held in Porte Alegre, Brazil in 2010.

The World Social Forum has branched out into many regional forums including; the Americas Social Forum, the European Social Forum, the Asian Social Forum, the Mediterranean Social Forum and the South African Social Forum. The value of the World Social Forum, as part of an overall movement and mobilization effort to Save Our Planet, lies in its collective ability to redefine the future trajectory of the human enterprise. In certain terms, the Forum is helping to develop an alternative vision for our future by strongly voicing the cry that, indeed, another world is possible.

Another movement that has weighed into the fray, particularily around the issue of global warming, has been Al-Qaida, the so-called "terrorist" organization headed by Osama Bin-Laden. Although widely acknowledged as a front group for American and European intelligence, the movement, as of 2009, came out with a statement entitled, "The Way to Save the Earth". The heads of major multinational corporations and the prevailing global political establishment were singled out as being threats themselves to the future survivability of the planet. As characterized in Bin-Laden's document, many senior capitalists are steeped in wickedness and coldheartedness and really don't care about the human disasters that have been caused by their global economic activities. This parallels their global eugenics operations which are designed to depopulate the planet.

With regards to the threat of global climate change specifically, i fully concur with Mr Bin-Laden in his appeal for humanity to severely scale back on global greenhouse gas emissions. According to Mr Bin Laden, what is being asked of you is simple: that you tighten your embargo against the polluters and that you take the initiative to boycott them in order to save yourselves, your wealth and your children from the threat of global climate change. Instead of protesting on the steps of conferences and begging for your lives, we are asked to take radical and decisive actions in our quest to live freely and honorably, for there is no good in a life which incurs humiliation.

The World's Scientists Warning to Humanity, the World Social Forum and Al-Qaida are but a few of the numerous voices and organizations who are appealing to the conscience of the human species to change our ways and radically re-engage the future with an alternative vision of planetary survival.

The previous chapters of this book have attempted to identify and outline the key factors most applicable to the historic global transformation that I believe is now fully upon us. As forementioned, the transition requires an immediate termination of the US military-industrial-intelligence-security complex. That includes a defunding and decommissioning of the US Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Agency, both of which are now at the forefront of creating and operating a fascist stalinist-style police state in America. Instead of wasting trillions of dollars creating a global economic spy and surveillance police state control grid, its time to radically reverse course and re-invest those trillions into building and maintaining a just and equitable green-based sustainable world society.

A few tens of billions of dollars invested in providing access to clean water and sanitation for all of the world's poor can and must be accomplished. Its time to ban and criminalize all gas-guzzling trucks and SUV's and immediately transit our civilization into electric vehicles complete with home based solar photovoltaic recharge grids. Along with the introduction, widespread use and proliferation of free energy based antigravitic electrical generation and propulsion, humanity can rapidly exit the stone age carbon based emissions economy and permanently end the threat of global climate change, which in truth, is the #1 international security threat facing our species on Earth today.

The world population explosion must be halted immediately. That means a mandatory 1 child per family policy enforced worldwide until world population numbers can be brought under control. At 7 billion, as of 2010, we are in classic overshoot. These numbers need to brought down to a sustainable and manageable level of between 2-3 billion maximum over time.

World deforestation rates need to be immediately and substantially reduced. Reforestation efforts should begin in earnest everywhere, not only to counter growing desertification trends, but to build up the global carbon sink mitigation quota for the planet. The world's oceans, which absorb the largest percentage of global CO2 emissions and heat need to be protected and managed sustainably, to the best of our ability, despite the unrelenting carbon onslaught. Global carbon emissions, if not stopped and reversed immediately, will cause both the North and South poles (including Greenland) to rapidly and expeditiously deteriorate. Already, both the North Pole and the continent of Greenland are undergoing massive melts which, in turn, are negatively altering the weather, temperature and oceanic current patterns and gradients of the rich industrial nations and areas of the north, particularily in Europe.

The shift away from meat eating to vegetarianism will re-direct plant based foods now fed to fatten up cows, chickens and pigs, and put it into the diets of billions of starving people around the globe, putting a halt to the greatest holocaust of men, women and children the world has ever witnessed.

With global information access, a rapidly growing global knowledge base and the tools to transmit, share and receive large amounts of information worldwide, we can actively work to construct an alternative energy economy based on solar, wind and anti-gravity sources to replace the highly antiquated, largely failing and environmentally destructive hydrocarbon economy we are now imprisoned in. International sustainable development must become the worldwide standard by which current and future human development is to progress. Organic agriculture, ecologically oriented community development, green jobs, economic decentralization, environmental education and stewardship, land, water, air and soil conservation and a cultivated respect for the welfare of successive generations are some of the hallmarks of this transition. A green world order and the salvation of our planet will, of course, be the end product of this historic shift for our species, both in terms of elevating human consciousness and in regards to securing the advanced infrastructure needed for our continued livelihood.

Current global eugenics policies designed to destroy life on Earth must needs be swept away forever. Campaigns and practices to end life are obviously incompatible with the drive to secure life through the principles of nurturance, stewardship, ecology and sustainability.

The battle to Save Our Planet is, whether we like it or not, the central overriding priority of our time. Failure, along with extinction, is not an option. Therefore, let us engage the future with all the brilliance, wisdom and intelligence at our command as we learn to properly manage our planet. The world crisis that is now upon us also provides the perfect opportunity for us to rapidly and swiftly transit our failing world society into a thriving, highly advanced and compassionate world civilization for the 21st century and beyond.

We now stand at the very threshold of becoming the world's first truly global civilization. By fate of evolution and human destiny, we also find ourselves at the very nexus of human history. Resource limits, a finite planet and an emerging Age of Ecology are predetermining our future survival prospects as a species. There really is no other option than for us to organize, build and enter into a global green civilization. Author Joanna Macy once noted that, "Future generations, if there is a livable future for them, will look back at the epochal transition we are making to a sustainable society. They may well call this the time of the Great Turning".



1. World Social Forum

2. International Forum on Globalization

3. State of the World Forum

Saving the Planet- Afterword


I part with lyrics from the song "Here Comes the Sun", by the Beatles:

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right

Saving the Planet- References/Bibliography


1. War at Home, by Brian Glick
2. When Corporations Rule the World AND The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community AND Agenda for a New Economy, by David Korten
3. No Place to Hide, by Robert O'Harrow
4. Crossing the Rubicon, by Michael Ruppert
5. Exception to the Rulers AND Standing up to the Madness, by Amy Goodman
6. On the Justice of Roosting Chickens AND Acts of Rebellion AND the COINTELPRO Papers- Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States, by Ward Churchill
7. The Grand Chessboard AND The Technotronic Era AND Fortress America: On the Frontlines of Homeland Security, by Zbigniew Brzezinski
8. The European Dream AND The Biotech Century AND Entropy: Into the Greenhouse World, by Jeremy Rifkin
9. The Party's Over AND Power Down AND A New Covenant with Nature: Notes on the End of Civilization and the Renewal of Culture AND Peak Everything: Waking Up to a Century of Declines, by Richard Heinberg
10. Limits to Growth- the 30 Year Update AND Beyond the Limits, by Donnela Meadows
11. The Population Bomb AND One With Ninevah AND The Population Explosion, by Paul and Anne Ehrlich
12. How Civilizations Collapse, by Jared Diamond
13. Psychic Dictatorship, by Alex Constantine
14. The Immaculate Deception: the Bush Crime Family, by Russell Bowen
15. Warriors Edge, by Colonel John Alexander
16. The End of Poverty AND Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, by Jeffrey Sachs
17. Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man AND The Secret History of the American Empire AND Hoodwinked, by John Perkins
18. The GOD Code AND The Divine Matrix, by Greg Braden
19. The Hidden Connections AND Tao of Physics AND The Turning Point AND The Web of Life, by Fritjof Capra
20. The Heat is On AND Boiling Point, by Ross Gelbspan
21. The Coming Plague AND Betrayal of Trust: Collapse of Global Public Health, by Laurie Garrett
22. Radical Evolution, by Joel Garreau
23. No God but GOD, by Reza Aslan
24. The Clash of Fundamentalisms, by Tariq Ali
25. The Crisis of Global Capitalism, by George Soros
26. The United States of Europe, by TR Reid
27. Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare AND DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, by Dr Len Horowitz
28. War and Globalization: the Truth behind Sept 11th, by Michel Chossudovsky
29. The Globalization of Poverty, by Michel Chossudovsky
30. Genetic Armageddon AND Aliens and Fallen Angels AND Weather Wars, by Steven Quayle
31. The Resource Wars AND Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet, by Michael T Klare
32. The Long Emergency, by James Howard Kunstler
33. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, by Lynne McTaggart
34. SpyChips, by Katherine Albrecht
35. The End of History, by Francis Fukuyama
36. The Clash of Civilizations, by Samuel Huntington
37. Project L.U.C.I.D, by Texe Marrs
38. The Surveillance Society AND Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny AND Prince of Darkness: AntiChrist and the Rise of the New World Order, By Grant Jeffrey
39. The Great War for Civilization- The Conquest of the Middle East, by Robert Fisk
40. The New Media Monopoly, by Ben Bagdikian
41. Water Wars AND Earth Democracy AND Stolen Harvest AND Soil Not Oil, by Vandana Shiva
42. An Evolutionary Agenda for the 3rd Millennium, by Alan Sasha Lithman
43. The Hidden History of Zionism, by Ralph Schoenman
44. The War on Civil Liberties, by Elaine Cassel
45. Global Crises, Global Solutions, by Bjorn Lomborg
46. The Coming Anarchy, by Robert Kaplan
47. Behold a Pale Horse, by William Cooper
48. Future Shock AND Powershift AND The Third Wave, by Alvin Toffler
49. The End of Nature AND Deep Economy AND Fight Global Warming Now, by Bill McKibben
50. Being Digital, by Nicolas Negroponte
51. The Phenomenon of Man AND The Divine Milieu, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
52. The Invisible Landscape AND Food of the Gods, by Terrence McKenna
53. Gulag Archipelago, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
54. Global Mind Change, by Willis Harmon
55. Global 2000 Report to the President, by G.O. Barney
56. All Fall Down- the Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion AND Days of Deception: Ground Zero and Beyond, by William Thomas
57. Extraterrestrial Contact AND Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge, by Dr Steven Greer
58. Exopolitics-Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence, by Dr Michael Salla
59. Spirit of Shaolin, by David Carridine
60. The Coming Global Superstorm, by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber
61. URANTIA Book
62. Superpower Syndrome: America's Apocalyptic Confrontation with the World AND The Nazi Doctors, by Robert Jay Lifton
63. The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount, by Gershom Gorenberg
64. Cosmic Voyage, by Courtney Brown
65. Messengers of Deception, by Jacques Vallee
66. Report from Iron Mountain, by Leonard Lewin
67. Empire of the City, by E.C. Knuth
68. Challenging Empire, by Phyllis Bennis
69. Desire of the Ages, The Great Controversy AND the Final War, by E.G. White
70. American Theocracy, by Kevin Phillips
71. The Vatican's Billions, by Avro Manhattan
72. Endgame: Volumes 1 and 2 AND Walking on Water, by Derrick Jensen
73. The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer
74. The New Pearl Harbor, by David Ray Griffin
75. The Columbia History of the 20th Century, by Richard Bulliet
76. If You Love this Planet AND The New Nuclear Danger AND Helens War: Portrait of Dissent AND War in Heaven, by Helen Caldicott
77. Diet for a New America AND The Food Revolution AND Healthy at 100, By John Robbins
78. Diet for a Small Planet AND Hope's Edge AND Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity and Courage in a World Gone Mad, by Francis Moore Lappe'
79. 2001, 2010 AND Childhood's End, by Arthur C Clarke
80. Alien Encounters, by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman
81. The Possible Human AND Jump Time, by Jean Houston
82. Conscious Evolution, by Barbara Marx Hubbard
83. Saving the Planet, by Lester Brown, Christopher Flavin and Sandra Postel
84. Jihad vs McWorld AND Consumed by Benjamin Barber
85. The Approaching Global Breakdown and the Emerging Golden Age, by Victor Zelikovsky
86. Surviving Global Slavery/ Living Under the New World Order, by Robert K Spear
87. House of War, by James Carroll
88. Descent Into Tyranny, by Alex Jones
89. Order Out of Chaos: Elite Sponsored Terrroism and the New World Order, by Paul Joseph Watson
90. The Hopi Survival Kit- the Prophecy, Instructions and Warnings Revealed by the Last Elders AND Hotevilla- Hopi Shrine of the Covenant, by Thomas Mails
91. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy AND Armed Madhouse, by Greg Palast
92. Casebook on Alternative 3 AND Black Helicopters Over America AND Mind Control, World Control: the Encyclopedia of Mind Control, by Jim Keith
93. Utopia or Oblivion: The Prospects for Humanity AND Operating Manuel for Spaceship Earth, by Buckminster Fuller
94. A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order AND Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Political Agenda Behind GMO's AND Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order, by F. William Engdahl
95. The Open Conspiracy, by HG Wells
96. Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, by Stephen Kinzer
97. Angels Don't Play this HAARP, Controlling the Human Mind AND Earth Rising: the Revolution, by Dr Nich Begitch
98. Earth in the Balance AND An Inconvenient Truth AND Assault on Reason, By Al Gore
99. Propaganda and the Public Mind AND Targeting Iran AND What We Say Goes, by David Barsamian
100. A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn
101. The Politics of Truth, by Joseph Wilson
102. The Ascendency of Scientific Dictatorship, by Phillip D. Collins
103. Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo
104. Tesla: Man out of Time, by Margaret Cheney
105. Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers, by David Shayler and Anne Machon
106. Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the Int'l Spy Network, by Nicky Hagar
107. Genetic Engineering, Food and Our Environment, by Luke Anderson
108. State of the World, Vital Signs and Inspiring Progress, by the World Watch Institute
109. Our Final Hour: How Terror, Error and Environmental Disaster Threaten Humankind's Future in this Century- On Earth and Beyond, by Martin Rees
110. The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather and the Destruction of Civilizations, by Eugene Linden
111. Diet for a Dead Planet, by Christopher Cook
112. Democratizing the Global Economy AND Globalize This!, by Kevin Danaher
113. Solar Revolution, by Travis Bradford
114. The State vs. The People: The Rise of the American Police State, by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman
115. The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
116. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, by Jimmy Carter
117. The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood, by Rashid Khalidi
118. One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse, by Ali Abunimah
119. Grand Theft Pentagon, by Jeffery St Clair
120. End Times: The Death of the 4th Estate, by Alexander Cockburn
121. Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits ina Promised Land, by David Shipler
122. Fighting for Survival, by Michael Renner
123. The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot
124. Wholeness and the Implicate Order, by David Bohm
125. Global Inc: An Atlas of the Multinational Corporation, by Medard Gabel and Henry Bruner
126. Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods, by Jeffrey Smith
127. An Atlas for Planet Management, by Norman Myers
128. Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity AND The Revenge of Gaia, by James Lovelock
129. Natural Capitalism, by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and Hunter Lovins
130. Destroying World Order: Imperialism in the Middle East, by Francis Boyle
131. Dare to Prepare AND Prudent Places USA, by Holly Deyo
132. Catcher in the Rye, by JD Salinger
133. The Prince, by Machiavelli
134. Blaming the Victim, by Edward Said
135. Blueprint for a Sustainable Economy, by David Pearce and Edward Barbier
136. The Solar Economy, by Hermann Scheer
137. The 2030 Spike, by Colin Mason
138. Survival for a Small Planet, by Tom Bigg
139. 1984, by George Orwell
140. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
141. Leap of Faith, by Queen Noor
142. Externalization of the Hierarchy, by Alice Bailey
143. Outgrowing the Earth AND Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble AND The 29th day AND Eco-Economy AND Mobilizing to Save Civilization AND Plan B, 2.0, AND Plan B, 3.0, by Lester Brown
144. Blackwater: The Story of the Most Powerful Mercenary Army in the World, by Jeremy Scahill
145. Paradise Lost, by John Milton
146. History of Europe, by JM Roberts
147. The Divine Comedy; Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso, by Dante Alighieri
148. Banker to the Poor; Micro Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty, by Muhammed Yunus
149. The Jewish War, by Josephus
150. The Iliad, by Homer
151. Legacy of Luna, by Julia Butterfly Hill
152. Contact AND Cosmos AND Demon Haunted World AND Intelligent Life in the Universe AND Billions and Billions AND Pale Blue Dot AND Varieties of Scientific Experiences: A Personal View of the Search for GOD, by Carl Sagan
153. Crashing the Party AND Civil Arousal AND In Pursuit of Justice AND Corporation Nation: How Corporations are Taking Over Our Lives AND The Good Fight, by Ralph Nader
154. Reading the Enemy's Mind- Inside Stargate, by Paul Smith
155. The Keys of Enoch, by JJ Hurtak
156. Fate of the Earth, by Jonathan Schell
157. American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War in America, by Chris Hedges
158. Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, by Chalmers Johnson
159. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappe
160. The Weather Makers, by Tim Flannery
161. The Coming Economic Collapse, by Stephen Leeb
162. Remote Viewers: the Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, by Jim Schnabel
163. Illusions of Security, by Maureen Webb
164. Field Nores from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature and Climate Change, by Elizabeth Kolbert
165. Hell and High Water: Global Warming, the Solution and the Politics, by Joseph Romm
166. Battle for God, History of God, Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths AND Muhammad: A Prophet for our Time, by Karen Armstrong
167. Prison Industrial Complex AND Abolition Democracy, by Angela Davis
168. Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, by William R Catton
169. Empire, by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
170. Covert Action: The Roots of Terrorism, by Ellen Ray and William Schaap
171. WE ARE EVERYWHERE: the Irresistable Rise of Global Anti-Capitalism
172. Planet TV: A Global Television Reader, by Lisa Parks and Shanti Kumar
173. Prophecies and Predictions AND Beyond Prophecies and Predictions- Ancient Prophecy and Modern Science Reveal the New Millennium, by Moira Timms
174. The Mayan Factor AND Earth Ascending AND Cosmic History Chronicles, by Jose Arguelles
175. The Cosmic Blueprint AND The Mind of GOD, by Paul Davies
176. The Coming Energy Revolution, by Jeanne Manning
177. Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak
178. The Millenium Book AND The Last Pope, by John Hogue
179. The Old Man and the Sea,, by Ernest Hemingway
180. Psychic Warrior, by David Morehouse
181. Heaven's Flame, by Joe Radabaugh
182. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, by Malcolm Gladwell
183. Food Apocalypse: GMO's, by Greg Ciola
184. Solartopia: Our Green Powered Earth A.D. 2030, by Harvey Wasserman
185. Ecotopia, by Ernest Callenbach
186. Perestroika, by Mikhail Gorbachev
187. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, by Paul Kennedy
188. House of Bush, House of Saud, by Chris Unger
189. Beyond Chutzpah, by Norman Finkelstein
190. War of the World AND Colossus: Rise and Fall of the American Empire, by Niall Ferguson
191. Financial Armageddon, by Michael Panzner
192. The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World, by Dr Paul Williams
193. Jews, GOD and History, by Max Dimont
194. As If the World Really Mattered, by Art Goodtimes
195. The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook, by David Rothschild
196. Islam: Past, Present and Future AND Eternal Life, by Hans Kung
197. War Against the Weak AND Internal Combustion, by Edwin Black
198. Star-Maker, by Olaf Stapledon
199. The Nuclear Age, by Tim O'Brien
200. The Orthodox Church, by Timothy Ware
201. State of the Earth: Environmental Challenges on the Road to 2100, by Paul Conkin
202. The End of America AND Give Me Liberty, by Naomi Wolf
203. Civilization and the Transformation of Power AND America as Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power, by Jim Garrison
204. The Real Wealth of Nations AND The Chalice and the Blade, by Riane Eisler
205. Takeover: Return of the Imperial Presidency, by Charlie Savage
206. The Israel Lobby, by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
207. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, by Naomi Klein
208. Cosmos and the Psyche, by Richard Tarnas
209. The Meaning of the 21st Century, James Martin
210. 2012: The War for Souls, by Whitley Strieber
211. Life on a Crowded Planet; Problems and Possibilities, by John Uhl, M.D.
212. Ecocities; Building Cities in Balance with Nature, by Richard Register
213. A Guide to the End of the World AND Apocalypse; a Natural History of Global Disasters, Bill McGuire
214. Common Sense, by Thomas Paine
215. Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order, by Jacques Attali
216. Globalization and its Discontents AND the 3 Trillion Dollar War, by Joseph Stiglitz
217. Club Bilderberg, by Daniel Estulin
218. Cosmic Superimposition AND Contact with Space, by Wilhelm Reich
219. The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and the Awakening of the World Mind AND Catastrophobia ANDThe Pleiadean Agenda, by Barbara Hand Clow
220. Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization's End, by Lawrence Joseph
221. Global Intelligence: The World's Secret Security Services, by Paul Todd and Jonathan Bloch
222. Weather Warfare: the Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature AND HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy, by Jerry Smith
223. Information Warfare, by Winn Schwartau
224. The Great Unraveling, by Paul Krugman
225. The Secret Government, by Bill Moyers
226. The Prophet and the Astonomer, by Marcelo Gleiser
227. Circle of Poison AND Exposed, by Mark Schapiro
228. Censoring Science: Inside the Ploitical Attack on Dr Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming, by Mark Bowen
229. Pillar of Sand AND Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity AND Rivers of Life: Managing Water for people and Nature, by Sandra Postel
230. A Billion Lives: An Eyewitness Report from the Frontlines of Humanity, by Jan Egeland
231. The First Global Revolution, by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider
232. Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet, by Daniel Sitarz
233. The Courage to be Free, Charlton Heston
234. Tragedy and Hope, Carol Quigley
235. Stuffed and Starved: the Hidden Battle for the World Food System, by Raj Patel
236. 4th Reich of the Rich AND Descent into Slavery, by Des Griffin
237. Managing Planet Earth, by Scientific American
238. Original Instructions: Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable Future, by Melissa North
239. The Way of the Explorer, by Edgar Mitchell
240. Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making, by David Rothkopf
241. The Revolution: A Manifesto, by Ron Paul
242. The Iran Agenda, by Reese Erlich
243. Right is Wrong: How the Lunatic Fringe Hijacked America, by Arianna Huffington
244. The Dream of Rome, by Boris Johnson
245. Judgement Day: Islam, Israel and the Nations, by Dave Hunt
246. Prophecy 2020: Profiling the Future through the Lens of Scripture, by Chuck Missler
247. Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, by Jesse Ventura
248. Privacy Lost: How Technology is Endangering your Privacy, by David Holtzman
249. The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman
250. The Faith Club, by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver and Priscilla Warner
251. The Audacity of Hope, by Barak Obama
252. Bad Moon Rising: How Reverend Moon Created the Washington Times, Seduced the Religious Right and Built an American Kingdom, by John Gorenfeld
253. Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
254. Losing Ground: Environmental Stress and World Food Prospects, by Erik Eckholm
255. Rays of Hope: Transition to a Post-Petroleum World, by Dennis Hayes
256. Another World Is Possible AND How the Other Half Dies, by Susan George
257. The Next 50 Years: Science in the First Half of the 21st Century, by John Brockman
258. Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince AND The United Nations: Global Straight Jacket, by Joan Veon
259. The Globalists, by Dennis Cuddy
260. GOD and Empire, by John Crossan
261. The War on the Bill of Rights, by Nat Hentoff
262. Rise of the 4th Reich, by Jim Marrs
263. World's End 2009: Prophecies of the Coming Messiah and Armageddon, by Peter Lorie
264. The New Rulers of the World, by John Pilger
265. The Fire this Time: US War Crimes in the Gulf, by Ramsey Clark
266. The Complex: How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse
267. Green: Your Place in the New Energy Revolution, by Jane and Michael Hoffman
268. War Stars, by Bruce Franklin
269. Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu
270. The Evolutionary Mind, by Sheldrake, McKenna and Abraham
271. Terrorism and Tyranny, by James Bovard
272. The Post-American World, by Fareed Zakaria
273. Temple at the Center of Time, by David Flynn
274. The Last Star, by William Proctor
275. Imagine, by Marianne Williamson
276. The Late Great USA, by Jerome Corsi
277. Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch
278. The Synagogue of Satan: Secret History of Jewish World Domination, by Andrew Hitchcock
279. Global Conspiracy (and how to end it), by David Icke
280. The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping of America AND Body of Secrets AND The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford
281. Climate Change Policy, by Stephen Schneider
282. The Green Collar Economy, by Van Jones
283. The End of the World, by John Leslie
284. The Next 100 Years AND Planet Earth, by Jonathan Weiner
285. The Closing Circle, by Barry Commoner
286. The Long Descent, by John Michael Greer
287. Crimes Against Nature, by Robert F Kennedy Jr.
288. Islam, Democracy and the West, by Benazir Bhutto
289. The Politics of Experience, by R.D. Laing
290. Awakening Earth AND Voluntary Simplicity, by Duane Elgin
291. Green Festivals Reader: Fresh Ideas from Agents of Change, by Kevin Danaher and Alisa Gravitz
292. Evolutions Edge: the Coming Collapse and Transformation of our World, by Graeme Taylor
293. The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies and Possibilities, by Sounds True
294. The Destruction of California, by Raymond Dasmann
295. The Yosemite, Travels in Alaska AND The Mountains of California, by John Muir
296. Performance in the Garden: A Collection of Talks on Biodynamic French Intensive Horticulture, by Alan Chadwick
297. Don Quixote, by Cervantes
298. Blue/Gold AND the Blue Covenant, by Maude Barlow
299. EcoCities: Building Cities in Balance with Nature, by Richard Register
300. The World According to Pimm, by Stuart Pimm
301. The Necessary Revolution, by Peter Senge
302. Global Warning: The Last Chance to Change, by Paul Brown
303. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, by William McDonough
304. The Collapse of Complex Societies, by Joseph Tainter
305. Earth:The Sequel, by Fred Krupp
306. The Great Awakening: 7 Ways to Change the World, by Jim Wallis
307. The Chaos Point, by Ervin Laszlo
308. Climate Code Red: The Case for Emergency Action, by David Spratt
309. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers AND Preparing for the 21st Century, by Paul Kennedy
310. The Inconvenient Hero, by Vincent Harding
311. The ONLY Alternative: Christian Non-Violent Peacemakers in America, by John Malkin
312. Live From Death Row AND All Things Censored, by Mumia Abu Jamal
313. We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work, by Jimmy Carter
314. Against Empire AND Contrary Notions AND Democracy for the Few, by Michael Parenti
315. Memoirs, by David Rockefeller
316. Dimona: The Third Temple, by Mark Gaffney
317. Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century, by PW Singer
318. Speaking Truth to Power AND Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, by Manning Marable
319. Blown to Bits: your Life, Liberty and Happiness After the Digital Revolution, by Harry Lewis
320. Israel's Occupation, by Neve Gordon
321. The Crystalis Effect: The Metamorphosis of Global Culture, by Philip Slater
322. Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out, by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson
323. Earth Odyssey: Around the World in Search of our Environmental Future, by Mark Hertsgaard
324. The Same Sea AND In the Land of Israel, by Amos Oz
325. The Leftmost City: Power and Progressive Politics in Santa Cruz, by Gendron and Domhoff
326. As the World Burns AND Endgame: Volumes 1 and 2, by Derrick Jensen
327. Globalization and the Challenges of a New Century, by O'Meara, Mehlinger and Krain
328. The Essential Wild Food Survival Guide, by Linda Runyon
329. A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson
330. Coming of Age in the Milky Way AND The Mind's Sky: Human Intelligence in a Cosmic Context, by Timothy Ferris
331. Silencing Political Dissent, by Nancy Chang
332. On the Beach, by Nevil Shute
333. Let Freedom Ring, by Matt Meyer
334. Hell and High Water: Global Warming--the Solution and the Politics--and What We Should Do, by Joe Romm
335. Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners vs. the U.S.A. , by Mumia Abu Jamal
336. The Great Warming: Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations, by Brian Fagar
337. A View from the Center of the Universe, by Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams
338. The Challenge for Africa, by Wangari Maathai
339. The Day We Found the Universe, by Marcia Bartusiak
340. Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, by David Hawkins
341. A Persisent Peace: One Man's Struggle for a Non-Violent World AND Living Peace, by John Dear
342. Red Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global Environment, by James Gustav Speth
345. Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy, by Michael T Klare
346. The Vanishing Face of Gaia, by James Lovelock
347. Ecological Intelligence, by David Coleman
348. The Wikipedia Revolution, by Andrew Lih
349. Timescape, by Gregory Benford
350. A Planet Called Earth, by George Gamow
351. How the Rich are Destroying the Earth, by Herve Kempf
352. The Bridge to the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment and Crossing the Crisis to Sustainability, by James Speth
353. Sustainable Planet: Solutions for the 21st Century, by Juliet Schor and Betsy Taylor
354. The Big Picture: Reflections on Science, Humanity and a Quickly Changing Planet, by David Suzuki
355. World Changing: A Users Guide for the 21st Century, by Alex Steffen
356. Green Living, by E- the Environment Magazine
357. The Complete Guide to Wild Edible Plants, by US Dept of Army
358. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World came into Being, Paul Hawken
359. Black Spots on the Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagon's Secret World, by Trevor Paglen
360. Arctic Dreams, by Barry Lopez
361. All Our Relations, by Winona LaDuke
362. Paradigm Wars: Indigenous people's Resistance to Economic Globalization, by Jerry Mander and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
363. Manifesto for a New World Order, by George Monbiot
364. The Politics of Non-Violent Action, by Gene Sharp
365. Resistance to Civil Government, by Henry David Thoreau
366. EcoScience: Population, Resources and the Environment, by John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich
367. Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture, by Jeremy Rifkin
368. Climate Change: Picturing the Science, by Gavin Schmidt and Joshua Wolfe
369. Heart of Dryness, by James Workman
370. Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth, by Larry Schweiger
371. Cosmos, by Carl Sagan
372. In Search of a Perfect World, by Michael Sullivan
373. Promise Ahead: A Vision of Hope and Action for Humanity's Future, by Duane Elgin
374. Infinite in all Directions, by Freeman Dyson
375. The Conscious Universe, by Dean Radin
376. Gaviotas: A Village to Re-invent the World, by Alan Weisman
377. Healing Israel/Palestine, by Rabii Michael Lerner
378. The Unconquerable Planet, by Jonathan Schell
379. The Necessary Revolution, by Peter Senge
380. Hot, Flat and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution, by Thomas Friedman
381. Racing Towards Armageddon, by Michael Baigent
382. Wiring Up the Big Brother Machine and Fighting It, by Mark Klein
383. World Shift 2012, by Ervin Laszlo
384. Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, by Al Gore
385. The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power and the Future of Mankind, by Michelle Goldberg
386. Mission: Planet Earth: Our World and Its Climate--and How Humans Are Changing Them, by Sally Ride and Tam O'Shaughnessy
387. Plan B 4.0, by Lester Brown
388. End the Fed, by Ron Paul
389. Whole Earth Disipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto, by Stewart Brand
390. The Vanishing Face of Gaia, by James Lovelock
391. The Sustainability Revolution: Portrait of a Paradigm Shift, by Andres Edwards
392. CO2 Rising: The World's Greatest Environmental Challenge, by Tyler Volk
393. Power Trip: From Oil Wells to Solar Cells, by Amanda Little
394. Challenge for Africa, by Wangari Maathai
395. A World Without Ice, by Henry Pollack
396. The Sacred Balance, by David Suzuki
397. Unstoppable Global Warming, by S Fred Singer and Dennis Avery
398. China Inc: The Rise of the Next Superpower, by Ted Fishman
399. Eco-cities, by Richard Register
400. Making Peace with the Planet AND The Closing Circle AND The Poverty of Power AND Science and Survival, by Barry Commoner
401. Apocalypse 2012, by Joseph Lawrence
402. Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology, by Maurice Strong
403. Waking Up in Time, by Peter Russell
404. The Economics of Climate Change, by Nicolas Stern
405. Quantum Shift and the Global Brain AND Cosmos: Co-Creators Guide to the Whole World, by Ervin Laszlo
406. Global Security in the 21st Century, by Sean Kay
407. Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves, by Dawson Church and Geralyn Gendreau
408. Greening the North, by Wolfgang Sachs, Reinhard Loske and Manfred Linz
409. Climate Wars, by Gwynne Dyer
410. Music of the Spheres: the Material Universe from Atom to Quasar, by Guy Murche
411. The End of Days, by David Dolan
412. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, by F.E. Peters
413. The 7 Seals of Revelations, by Karl Roebling
414. The Next Evolution: A Blueprint for Transforming the Planet, by Jack Reed
415. Greenpeace, by Rex Weyler
416. The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: Personal and Global Transformation, by Thom Hartmann
417. The New Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations, by Clive Ponting
418. Notes from the Cosmos, by Gordon Michael Scallion
419. Cosmic Journey's, by Rosalind McKnight
420. The Choice: Evolution or Extinction AND Macroshift: Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World, by Ervin Laszlo
421. The Coming Temple: Center Stage for the Final Countdown, by Don Stewart and Chuck Missler
422. The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall
423. Frequency: The Power of Persoanl Vibration, by Penney Peirce
424. Secrets of Anti-Gravity Propulsion, by Pail LaViolette
425. Politics of Ecstacy, by Timothy Leary
426. Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, by Jim Keith
427. Interdimensional Universe, by Philip Imbrogno
428. En Route to Global Occupation AND The Demonic Roots of Globalism, by Gary Kah
429. Transcending the Speed of Light, by Marc Seifer
430. Contact: Countdown to Transformation, by Dr Steven Greer
431. Planet of Slums, by Mike Davis
432. Shadow Government: How the Global Elite are Using Surveillance Against You AND The Next World War AND Countdown to Apocalypse AND The New Temple and the Second Coming, by Grant Jeffrey
433. Storming the Gates of Paradise, by Rebecca Solnit
434. Toward a New World Order: The Countdown to Armageddon, by Donald McAlvany
435. Global Peace and the Rise of Anti-Christ, by Dave Hunt
436. The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World of Crisis, by Jeremy Rifkin
437. Awakening Earth: Human Culture and Consciousness AND Voluntary Simplicity, by Duane Elgin
438. The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People are Changing the World, by Paul Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson
439. Hope in a Dark Time: Reflections on Humanity's Future, by David Krieger
440. Evolution: The Grand Synthesis, by Ervin Laszlo
441. Survival of the Wisest AND Anatomy of Reality, by Jonas Salk
442. Beyond Contact: A Guide to SETI and Communicating with Alien Civilizations, by Brian McConnell
443. The Next World War: Computers are the Weapons and the Frontline is Everywhere, by James Adams
444. Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century, by Simson Garfinkel
445. The Electronic Privacy Papers, by Bruce Schneier and David Banisar
446. The Varieties of Religious Experience, by Carl Sagan
447. Planet Google, by Randall Stross
448. Global Brain: The Evolution of the Mass Mind, by Howard Bloom
449. Healing the Planet, by Paul and Anne Ehrlich
450. Pole Shift, by John White
451. Food Inc., by Karl Weber
452. Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, by William Catton
453. The Return of Depression Economics, by Paul Krugman
454. Gaia Project 2012: The Coming Earth Changes, by Hwee-Yong Jang
455. The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond, by Martine Vallee
456. Global Shift: How a New World is Transforming Humanity, Edmund Bourne
457. Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual, by Solar Energy International
458. Green, Greener, Greenest, by Lori Bongiorno
459. CO2: Fixing Climate, by Wallace Broecker and Robert Kunzig
460. The Post-Petroleum Survival Guide, by Albert Bates
461. Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity, by James Hansen
462. The Global Citizens Handbook: Facing Our World's Crisies and Challenges, by the World Bank
463. The Penguin State of the World Atlas, by Dan Smith
464. The End of Money and the Future of Civilization, by Thomas Greco
465. The Value of Nothing, by Raj Patel
466. Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World, by Michael Ruppert
467. The Pornography of Power, by Robert Scheer
468. Secret Wars: 100 Years of British Intelligence Inside M15 and M16, by Gordon Thomas
469. The Small-Mart Revolution, by Michael Schuman
470. The Great Awakening, by Jim Wallis
471. Give Me Liberty, by Naomi Wolf
472. The Road to Reality: The Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, by Roger Penrose
473. The View from the Center of the Universe, by Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams
474. Living Off the Grid, by Dave Black
475. When the Rivers Run Dry: Water- The Defining Crisis of the 21st Century, by Fred Pearce
476. The Discovery of Global Warming, by Spencer Weart
477. 6 Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet, by Mark Lynas
478. American Conspiracies, by Jesee Ventura
479. The GREEN Bible: Understanding the Bible's Powerful Message for the Earth (green letter edition), by New Revised Standard Version
480. All Things Censored, by Mumia Abu Jamal
481. How to Change the World, by David Bornstein
482. Who Owns the World, by Kevin Cahill
483. Are Prisons Obselete?, by Angela Davis
484. Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds, by Claire Cummings
485. The Climate Challenge, by Guy Dauncey
486. Forecast: The Consequences of Climate Change, by Stephan Faris
487. The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability, by Paul Hawken
488. Green Jobs: For a New Economy, by Petersons
489. One Square Inch of Silence: One Man's Quest to Preserve Quiet, by Gordon Hempton
490. Sustainable World Sourcebook, by Sustainable World Coalition/Earth Island Institute
491. Human Race Get off Your Knees, by David Icke
492. The New World Religion, by Gary Kah
493. The Birth of a Global Civilization AND New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality, by Robert Muller
494. Global Responsibility: In Search of a New Ethic, by Hans Kung
495. Lies the Government Told You, by Judge Napolitano
496. Free Fall: America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy, by Joseph Stiglitz
497. Witness in Palestine, by Anna Baltzer
498. Secrets, by Daniel Ellsberg
499. The Revolution Will Not be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, by Incite, Women of Color Against Violence
500. The United Nations: Confronting the Challenges of Global Society, by Jean Krasno
501. The Carbon War: Global Warming and the End of the Oil Era, by Jeremy Leggett
502. The Battle in Seattle: The Story Behind and Beyond the WTO Demonstrations, by Janet Thomas
503. The End of Privacy: How Total Surveillance is Becoming a Reality, by Reg Whitaker
504. Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism, by Sharon Beder
505. Solar Revolution: The Economic Transformation of the Global Energy Industry, by Travis Bradford
506. Paths to a Green World: The Political Economy of the Global Environment, by Jennifer Clapp and Peter Daurergne
507. Building the Green Economy, by Kevin Danaher, Shannon Biggs and Jason Mark
508. The Great Warming: Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations, by Brian Fagan
509. The Weather Makers: How Man is Changing the Climate and What it Means for Life on Earth, by Tim Flannery
510. Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning, by George Monbiot
511. Climate Change Policy, by Steven Schneider, Armin Rosenkranz and John Niles
512. Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth, by Larry Schweiger
513. Go Green: How to Build an Earth Friendly Community, by Nancy Taylor
514. Empire of Illusion AND American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America AND Losing Moses on the Freeway AND Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians, by Chris Hedges
515. The Apocrypha, by Edgar Goodspeed
516. Independent Politics: The Green Party Strategy Debate, by Howie Hawkins
517. The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger, by Jonathan Schell
518. Transcending the Speed of Light, by Marc Seifer
519. Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, by Bill McKibben
520. No Rain in the Amazon: How South America�s Climate Change Affects the Entire Planet, by Nikolas Kozloff
521. Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back, by Amy Goodman
522. Reporting From Ramallah: An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land, by Amira Hass
523. As the Oceans Rise: Meeting the Challenges of Global Warming, by Chuck Tremper
524. Serve GOD, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action, by J Matthew Sleeth
525. A Renewable World- Energy, Ecology, Equality: A Report for the World Future Council, by Herbert Girardet and Miguel Mendonca
526. Shaking the Gates of Hell: Faith Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization, by Sharon Delgado
527. Whole Green Catalog, by Michael Robbins
528. The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the 21st Century, by Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall
529. Perverse Subsidies, by Norman Myers
530. Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, Jeffrey Smith
531. Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness, by Roger Penrose
532. Starwave: Mind, Consciousnes and Quantum Physics, by Fred Alan Wolf
533. Radical Simplicity, by Jim Merkel
534. Getting Green Done: Hard Truths from the Front Lines of the Sustainability Revolution, by Auden Schendler
535. The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers and the Fight to Save the Earth, by Eric Pooley
536. Shift Your Habit, by Elizabeth Rogers
537. Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth, by Larry Schweiger
538. The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization, by Joshua Karliner
539. The Bridge at the End of the World: Capitalism, the Environment and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability, by James Speth
540. Power to the People, by Vijay Vaithesswaran
541. Toward a New World Order: The Countdown to Armageddon, by Donald McAlvany
542. Beyond Beef, by Jeremy Rifkin
543. Earth Matters, by David de Rothschild
544. May All Be Fed, by John Robbins
545. Screw It, Just Do It, by Richard Branson
546. The Future of Life, by Edward O Wilson
547. Human Race: Get Off Your Knees, by David Icke
548. War is a Racket, by Smedley Butler
549. How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds, by Paul Craig Roberts
550. Trends 2000, by Gerald Celente
551. The Bill McKibben Reader: Pieces From an Active Life, by Bill McKibben
552. The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption and the Control of Our Food Supply, by Marie-Monique Robin
553. The Heart of the World: A Journey to Tibet's Lost Paradise, by Ian Baker
554. Born in Tibet, by Chogyam Trungpa
555. Ultimate Security: The Environmental Basis of Political Stability, by Norman Myers
556. The GAIA Atlas of Future Worlds: Challenge and Opportunity in an Age of Change, by Norman Myers
557. Bottoms Up, by John Fayhee
558. Global Warming, by Sir John Houghton
559. The Self Organizing Universe, by Erich Jantsch
560. The Frail Ocean: Blueprint for Change in the New Millenium, by Wesley Marx
561. Propaganda and the Public Mind: Conversations with Noam Chomsky, by David Barsamian
562. Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants, by Bradford Angier
563. Never Be Sick Again, by Raymond Francis
564. The Quickening, by Stewart Wilde
565. From Freedom to Slavery: The Re-birth of Tyranny in America, by Gary Spence
566. Earthrise AND Blueprint for a Green Planet, by H Girardet
567. Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living, by IUCN, UNEP and WWF
568. Blueprint for a Green Economy, by D Pearce
569. We Are Not Alone, by David Darling
570. The World in 2050, by Laurence Smith
571. The Weather Makers, by Tim Flannery
572. Brilliancy, by A H Almaas
573. Biocosm: The New Scientific Theory of Evolution AND The Intelligent Universe, by David Gardner
574. Paradigms in Progress and Planetary Citizenship, by Hazel Henderson
575. Neurosphere: The Convergence of Evolution, Group Mind and the Internet, by Donald Dulchinos
576. Microcosms, by Lynn Margulis
577. The Singularity is Near, by Ray Kurtzweil
578. A Brief History of Everything AND A Theory of Everything, by Ken Wilber
579. Slow is Beautiful, by Cecile Andrews
580. One Cosmos Under God, by Robert Godwin
581. Evolution's Arrow: The Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity, by John Stewart
582. Gold to Green, by Daniel Esty and Andrew Winston
583. Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet, by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin
584. The Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry and What We Must Do to Stop It, by Antonia Juhasz
585. Organic Manifesto, by Maria Rodale
586. The Long Descent, by John Michael Greer
587. Plan C: Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate Change, by Pat Murphy
588. Sustainable World Sourcebook, by Sustainable World Coalition
589. The Climate Challenge: Solutions to Global Warming, by Guy Dauncey
590. Green Careers: Choosing Work for a Sustainable Future, by Jim Cassio and Alice Rush
591. Ecovillages: Guide to Sustainable Communities, by Jim Martin Bang
592. Aftermath: Following the Bloodshed of America's Wars in the Muslim World, by Nir Rosen
593. The Life of the Cosmos, by Lee Smolin
594. Harmony: A Vision of Our Future, by The Prince of Wales
595. The Grand Design, by Stephen Hawking
596. Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart, by Ram Dass
597. Restoring the Earth: Visionary Solutions from the Bioneers, by Kenny Ausubel
598. Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature, by Martin Tectel and Kimberly Wilson
599. The Vulnerable Planet, by John Bellamy Foster
600. Earth Rising: American Environmentalism in the 21st Century, by Philip Shabecoff
601. Paths to a Green World, by Jennifer Clapp and Peter Dauvergne
602. The Great Warming: Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations, by Brian Fagan
603. Building the Next Ark: How NGO's Work to Protect Biodiversity, by Michael Gunter
604. Ecological Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman
605. The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependence to Local Resilience, by Rob Hopkins
606. Whole Earth Disipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto, by Stewart Brand
607. Family of Secrets, by Russ Baker
608. The Darwin Awards: Countdown to Extinction, by Wendy Northcutt
609. Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free, by Charles Pierce
610. Now or Never: Why We Must Act to End Climate Change, by Tim Flannery
611. Eco-Barons: The New Heroes of Environmental Activism, by Edward Humes
612. The Future of Nature, by Barry Lopez
613. Widening Circles, by Joanna Macy
614. Partnering With Nature, by Catriona MacGregor
615. Holy Ground: A Gathering of Voices on Caring for Creation, by Lindsey Moseley
616. Building Social Business, by Muhammad Yunus
617. Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities, by Jan Martin Bang
618. 6 Billion Others: Portraits of Humanity From Around the World, by Yann-Arthus Bertrand
619. Power and Love: A Theory and Practice of Social Change, by Adam Kahane
620. Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice, by John Gray
621. Deep Green Resistance AND Resistance Against Empire, by Derrick Jensen
622. Spiritual Evolution: How We Are Wired for Faith, Hope and Love, by George Valliant
623. The Spiritual Universe, by Fred Alan Wolf
624. Armageddon in Retrospect, by Kurt Vonnegut
625. The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World, by Amit Goswani
626. Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge, by Steven Greer
627. The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death, by Stanislav Grof
628. 2013: Raising the Earth to the Next Vibration, by Richard Grossinger
629. The 4 Global Truths: A World and Worldview in Trouble and Transition, by Darrin Drda
630. Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future, by Bruce Lipton
631. The Meaning of the 21st Century: A Vital Blueprint for Ensuring our Future, by by James Martin
632. The Force is With Us: The Higher Consciousness That Science Refuses to Accept, by Thomas Walker
633. The Evolution of Everything, by Mark Sumner
634. The Evolutionary World: How Adaptation Explains Everything From Sea Shells to Civilization, by Geerat Vermeij
635. A Force for Nature: The Story of NRDC and the Fight to Save Our Planet, by John and Patricia Adams
636. The Global Forest, by Diane Beresford-Kroeger
637. The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves, Extreme Storms and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed World, by Heidi Cullen
638. A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data and the Politics of Global Warming, by Paul Edwards
639. Black Ops: The Rise of Special Forces in the CIA, M16 and the Mossad, by Tim Geraghty
640. Dismantling the Empire: America's Last Best Hope, by Chalmers Johnson
641. UFO's: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record, by Leslie Kean
642. Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril, by Kathleen Moore and Michael Nelson
643. The Coming Population Crash and Our Planet's Suprising Future, by Fred Pearce
644. Vision for a Healthy California, by Bill Monning
645. Next Generation Democracy, by Jared Duval
646. Cannabis: Philosophy for Everyone, by Ryan Grim
647. Collider: The Search for the World's Smallest Particles, by Paul Halpern
648. The Self-Sufficient-ish Bible, by Andy and Dave Hamilton
649. Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post-Peak Oil World, by Michael Ruppert
650. Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture, by Shannon Hayes
651. Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World, by Don Taspscott and Anthony Williams
652. The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory, Geometry and the Universe's Hidden Dimensions, by Shing-Tung Yau
653. American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Nearly Half of its Food, by Jonathan Bloom
654. Third World America, by Arianna Huffington
655. God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World, by Stephen Prothero
656. The New Good Life, by John Robbins
657. Dismantling America, by Thomas Sowell
658. Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization, by Steven Solomon
659. The Flooded Earth: Our Future in a World Without Ice Caps, by Peter Ward
660. Long for This World: The Strange Science of Immortality, by Jonathan Weiner
661. The Fate of Nature: Rediscovering Our Ability to Rescue the Earth, by Charles Wohlforth
662. Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, by Jeffrey Sachs
663. The Boy Who Harvested the Wind, by William Kamkwamba
664. Finding Beauty in a Broken World, by Terry Tempest Williams
665. Forecast: The Consequences of Climate Change from the Amazon to the Arctic, by Stephan Faris
666. A Tear at the Edge of Creation: A Radical New Vision for Life in an Imperfect Universe, by Marcelo Gleiser
667. The Long Thaw: How Humans are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of the Earth's Climate, by David Archer
668. Eco-therapy: Healing with Nature in Mind, by Linda Buzzell
669. Coming Clean: Breaking America's Addiction to Oil, by Michael Brune
670. The End of a Long Summer: Why We Must Remake our Civilization to Survive, by Diane Dumanoski
671. 2 Billion Cars: Driving Towards Sustainability, by Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon
672. Renewable Energy: Its Physics, Engineering, Environmental Impacts, Economics and Planning, by Brent Sorenson
673. The Carbon Charter: Blueprint for a Carbon Free Future, by Godo Stoyke
674. The Earth's Last Wilderness: The Quest to Save Antarctica, by Robert Swan
675. The Rolling Stone Environmental Reader, by Jann Wenner
676. Earth: Then and Now, by Fred Pearce
677. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, by Ray Kurzweil
678. The Road to Reality: The Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, by Roger Penrose
679. Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions and the Future of the Cosmos, by Michio Kaku
680. Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future, Bill McKibben
681. Tinderbox: US Middle East Policy, by Stephen Zunes
682. The Future in the Balance: Essays on Globalization and Resistance, by Walden Bello
683. As the Oceans Rise: Meeting the Challenges of Global Warming, by Chuck Tremper
684. Peace: 50 Years of Protest, by Barry Miles
685. Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of the Spectacle, by Chris Hedges
686. The Dark Side: Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals, by Jane Mayer
687. Making Globalization Work, by Joseph Stiglitz
688. The Zinn Reader, by Howard Zinn
689. Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in An Age of Plenty, by Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman
690. The Sacred Sites Bible, by Anthony Taylor
691. The Great Reset, by Richard Florida
692. The Weather Makers: How Man is Changing the Climate and What it Means for Life on Earth, by Tim Flannery
693. Small is Possible: Life in a Local Economy, by Lyle Estill
694. Life in the Balance: Humanity and the Biodiversity Crisis, by Niles Eldredge
695. Urban Meltdown: Cities, Climate Change and Politics as Usual, by Clive Doucet
696. Fueling the Future: How the Battle for Energy is Changing Everything, by Andrew Heintzman and Evan Solomon
697. Our Changing Planet: A View From Space, by Michael King
698. The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather and the Destruction of Civilization, by Eugene Linden
699. The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Your World, by John Robbins
700. Changing Climate, Changing Health, by Paul Epstein
701. Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Evolutionary Change, by William Catton
702. The Eco-technic Future AND The Long Descent, by John Michael Greer
703. The Trinity Alps, by Luther Linkhart
704. Earthdance AND A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us, by Elizabeth Sahtouris
705. Forbidden Archeology, by Michael Cremo
706. Ultraterrestrial Contact, by Philip J. Imbrogno
707. The New Good Life, by John Robbins
708. A New Green Order, by Zoe Young
709. The 7th Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger, by Jonathan Schell

About the Author

About the Author

Steven Craig Jones is currently a global environmental activist.
Born and raised in the State of California, he graduated with a bachelors degree in environmental studies and international sustainable development from the University of California Santa Cruz, in Santa Cruz, California USA in 1984. He has been an anti-apartheid activist, an anti-nuclear activist, an activist for the rights of indigenous native american peoples in the american southwest, an activist for the homeless and homeless issues, a global climate change activist and a religious activist helping to unify the 3 great monotheistic religions of the Middle East. He is an avid mountain biker, a mountain climber, an internet activist, a photographer and a lover of music. He currently spends his time shuttling between the US states of Hawaii, California and Colorado. He has travelled to Europe, the Middle East, South America and the South Pacific.

Contact- email: ecostar774@protonmail.com